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Versiunea din 23 martie 2020 18:31, autor: Administrator (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: THIS JOURNAL ITS SACRED MISSION HIS journal is published for the purpose of siding the people to understand Jehovah’s purposes, It provides systematic Bible study in which al...)
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THIS JOURNAL ITS SACRED MISSION HIS journal is published for the purpose of siding the people to understand Jehovah’s purposes, It provides systematic Bible study in which all its readers may regu- larly engage. It gives announcement of tho visits made to Bible classes by traveling speakers, announces conventions, and gives reports thereof. It announces radio programs and publishes suitable Bible instruction for broadcasting. It adheres strictly to the Bible as God’s revealed Word of Truth, It stands firmly upon the great ransom sacrifice ag the fundamental doctrine by which all doctrines are measured. It is free from parties, sects and creeds of men. It docs not as- sume a dogmatic attitude, but confidently invites a careful examination of its utterances in the light of the infallible Word of God. It does not indulge in controversics, and its columns are not open to personalities, TO US THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH THAT JEIIOVAH is the only true God, the Maker of heaven and earth, and is from everlasting to everlasting; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation; that the Logos became a man; that he is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, elothed with all power in heaven and in earth. THAT GOD created the earth for man, and created perfect man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wilfully disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of Adam’s wrongful act all men are born sinners and without the right to life. THAT JESUS was made a human being in order that he might become the Redeemer of man; that he gave his lifo a sacrifice for man and thereby produced the ransom price; that Jesus the divine was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and presented the value of his human sacrifice as the redemptive price for man. THAT FOR MANY CENTURIES God, through Christ, has been selecting from amongst men the members of his church, which constitutes the body of Christ; that the mission of tho church is to follow in the footsteps of her Lord Christ Jesus, grow in his likeness, give testimony to the name and purpose of Jehovah God, and ultimately be glorified with Christ Jesus in his heavenly kingdom; that Christ, Head and body, consti- tutes the ‘‘seed of Abraham’? through which all families of the earth shall be blessed. THAT THE WORLD HAS ENDED; that the Lord Jesus has returncd and is now present; that Jehovah has placed Christ Jesus upon his throne and now commands all nations and peoples to hear and obey him. THAT THE HOPE OF THE PEOPLES of earth is resto- ration to human perfection during the reign of Christ; that the reign of Christ will afford opportunity to every man to have a fair trial for life, and those who obey will live on carth for ever in a state of happiness. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Unirep Srates, $1.00; CANADA AND MISCELLANEOUS Forriun, $1.50; Greav Brivaix, AUSTRALASIA, AND SOUTH AFRICA, 75. American remittances should be made by Express or Postal Money Order, or by Bank Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances should be made te branch oficcs only. Remittances from scattered foreign territory may be made to tha Brooklyn office, but by Jnternational Postal Money Order only, (Foreign translations of this journal appear in several languages.) Teas TO THE LorD’s Poor: All Bible Students who, by reason of old age or other infirmity or adversity, are unable to pay for this journal, will be supplied free if they send a postal card each May stating their case and requesting such provision. We are not only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continually and in touch with the Berean studies, Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledement of a new or a renewal sub- ecription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month. A_ renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires. entered as Second Clase Mait Matter at Brooklyn, N. Y., Postoffice Act of Murch 8, 1879. PUBLISHED SEMI-MONTHLY BY WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY 117 ADAMS STREET - - BROOKLYN, N.Y., U.S.A. OFFICERS j.F.RUTHERFORD Presidene W.E. VANAMBURGH Secretary EDITORIAL COMMITTEE . - - J. F, RUTHERFORD W.E.VANAMBURGH J. HEMERY R.H.BARBER E. J. COWARD FOREIGN OFFICES British « ¢ 6 0 © © © «© « » 34 Craven Terrace, London, W, 2, England Canadian « 6 0 6 © © © © © © © © 40 Irwin Avenue. Toronto, Ontano Australasian « » © «© « 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N.S. W., Australia South African 0 « « © © «© « « 6 Lelie Street, Cape Town, South Africa Please address the Society in every case NEW BOOKS LIGHT is the title. Subject matter: A detailed explanation of The Revelation, with Daniel Two added. Forceful and enlightening illustrations. For convenience, issued in two volumes designated Book One, Book Two. The special auto- graph edition to Watch Tower subscribers ready for distri- bution shortly. To meet first cost of composition and plates, the two books for one dollar. You may send your order now with remittance (by postal or express money order, for your own safety), and books will come to you by parcel post. You have waited a long while for these books. By the Lord’s grace they will increase your joy. CAMPAIGN WEEK The week of September 27 to October 5 is sct aside for a special campaign to publicly distribute LIGHT. This will mark the opening of a vigorous campaign by the army of the Lord. Together they will sing the new song. It will be a time of increased joy in the Lord. In the meantime study the books, One and Two, that you may be equipped to give an intelligent testimony concerning the messuge therein. A great blessing is anticipated for all who engage in this cam- paign because of love for Jehovah, SERVICE CONVENTIONS (In each instance class service director's name and address appear.) Fargo, N. Dak. August 1-3 John T. Erickson, 333 15th Av. 8. Omaha, Nebr. August 8-10 T. A. Overman, 3523 N. 28th St Manchester, N. H. August 8-10 W. TI, Cox, 660 Maple St. Greek: N. Koyiades, P. O. Box 341 Pittsfield, Mass, August 8-10 Jacob Keller, Weston St., Dalton, Mass. Polish: S. Snajder, 23 Montgomery Av. Wheeling, W. Va. August 15-17 J. A, Knight, 313 Jacquett, Bridgeport, Ohio Greek; N. Karnelis, 39 Eleventh St. Polish: &. Jolin Zielinski, Elmer Av. Box O, Hollidays Cove, W. Va. I.B.S.A. Berean Bible Studies by means of te WATCH TOWER “Kingdom Fruits’’ Issue of July 1, 1930 Week beginning September 7 . Week beginning September 14 . ‘Bearing Fruit’’ Issue of July 15, 1930 Week beginning September 21... Week beginning September 28...