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Versiunea din 23 martie 2020 18:32, autor: Administrator (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: Avctst 1, 1930 UNDERSTANDING *° When the Lord came to his temple in 1918 great- er light began to shine into the mind of each one of his devoted ones who have been brought int...)
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Avctst 1, 1930 UNDERSTANDING

  • ° When the Lord came to his temple in 1918 great-

er light began to shine into the mind of each one of his devoted ones who have been brought into the temple. It was about 1925 that the faithful discerned the fact that the kingdom had begun and that Satan had been east out of heaven and now must confine his operations to the earth. The two great signs or won- ders in heaven appeared unto them and were then understood by God’s people for the first time.

    • It therefore seems to be impossible that even the

anointed of the Lord could have had a proper concep- tion of the ‘terrible image’ of Daniel until after the coming of the Lord to his temple. Furthermore, the Seriptures positively state that greater light shines upon God’s people at the end of the world and that these things in the Bible were written aforetime for the special benefit, comfort and encouragement of those continuing faithful upon the earth at the end of the world. (1 Cor. 10:11; Rom. 15:4) In the light of the foregoing indisputable truths let the examina- tion be made of the text of Daniel’s prophecy con- cerning the ‘terrible image’. «7 At once it is apparent to the anointed of the Lord at this time that the ‘great and terrible image’ herein considered represents far more than merely earthly corporations or earthly governments. (To be continued in next tssue) QUESTIONS FOR BEREAN STUDY 7 1. Why does special importance attach to the image here described ? tke WATCH TOWER 233 { 2-4. What is an image? How does God regard image-making, and why? { 5-8, Explain why Jehovah has so long permitted the existence and activities of his enemies. Quote seriptures to show his ultimate purpose concerning them. 7 9. What is the prayer of God’s people respecting his and their enemies? 4 10-12. Identify the ‘‘seed’’? by which the enemy is to be destroyed. Ilow and since when has that work of destrue- tion been in progress? { 13,14. Describe the circumstances leading to Daniel’s being brought before the king, and Daniel’s attitude in the matter. Whom did Daniel represent, and how? How was he enabled to know and interpret the dream? For what purpose was it revealed to him? { 15-17. Relate the dream, and the interpretation. { 18, 19. What is the evidence that in times past there has been a deep interest in the things foretold by God through his prophets? Did they gain the understanding they sought, and why? Were their efforts approved by God? { 20-24. Prove whether the former interpretation of Daniel’s prophecy regarding the ‘terrible image’ was correct. {_25. In brief, what did this image represent? { 26-30. Quote seriptures in symbolic description of Jehoval’s organization, What is the picture thercof presented through the Prophet Ezekiel? 7 31-33, What constitutes Jehovah’s universal organization? How was it brought forth? { 34, 35. The Scriptures set forth what facts regarding Lucifer prior to his deflection? { 36, 37. Describe the organization of which Lucifer was given headship. { 38, 39. Point out the significance of the metals mentioned in the description of the image here under consideration. 40. Describe how Lucifer became the enemy of God. { 41-44. How do Lucifer’s activities prove the appropriateness of the names by which he hag been designated since his deflection? 7 45, 46. What is meant by ‘the days of understanding’? Account for God’s giving his people an understanding of his organization and of that of the enemy in ‘‘the latter days’’ and not before, WORLD-WIDE PEACE: WHEN? [¥Fifteen-minute radio lecture] If the question could be submitted to a vote of the people, there would never be a war. People with honest hearts, who love their fellow men, and who love rightcousness and justice, abhor war. It is always the minority that forees war on the pco- ple. General W. T. Sherman, of the Civil War, said, ‘(War is hell.’? That opinion has been confirmed a million times by those who participated in the recent World War. Besides the millions of dead and the other millions of cruclly maimed, the great World War taught people how to profitcer, lic, steal, swear and smoke; it filled the world with millions of people who have no regard for decency, law, or the rights and liberties of others; it filled the world with un- mentionable erimes and discases. So terrible were the results of that war that almost superhuman efforts have been made ever since to bring about a condition of world peace. However, all these efforts have been made along wrong lines and by people who do not want peace. When conventions Te majority of people desire and love peace, are held for the purpose of promoting peace, the delegates are always the militarists, whose business is war, or the great industrialists, who profit by the same. Peacefully inclined men and women, known as pacifists, are never chosen as delegates. The advice of the masses of the people, who furnish the soldiers and foot the bills, is never sought. Thus it is that those who attend peace conferences are controlled by selfish interests, and instead of peace being promoted, ill will, distrust, hatred, wrangling and further war preparations are the usual outcome, The people have Jost all confidenee in their leaders and have no hope from that quarter. The only hope held out to the poor, oppressed people is that peace lics only in pyre- paredness, which means a eompctition among the na- tions as to which ean build the most battleships and the most bombing planes and make the most poison gas and other weapons of destruction. Thus the burden of taxes increases every year, as docs also the number of boodlers and grafters. Into this great vortex of militarism the people are foreed