Vou. LIX
JUNE 1, 1938
No. 11
“Instead of bronze I will bring in gold; and instead of iron I will bring in silver; and instead of wood, bronze;
and instead of stones, iron; and I will appoint the oversight of thee to prosperity, and the setting of thy tasks
to righteousness.’’—Isa. 60:17, Rotherham.
ocratic. Jehovah is supreme, and his government
or organization is strictly theocratic. This econclu-
sion is not open to successful contradiction. Let this
great and indisputable truth stand as a guidepost in
the consideration of the foregoing text and what fol-
lows herein.
? Jehovah God is the supreme power, and Jehovah
together with Christ Jesus constitutes the ‘‘Higher
Powers’’, to which all persons must be subject. (Rom.
18:1) Jesus is designated in the prophecy as ‘‘The
Mighty God’’ (Isa. 9:6), meaning the mighty execu-
tive officer of Jehovah, the Almighty God. He is the
representative and spokesman of the Almighty Jeho-
vah. (Gen. 17:1) Jesus Christ is ‘‘the Head of the
ehureh’’, which is his body. (Col. 1:18) Jehovah is
the ‘‘head of Christ’? (1 Cor. 11:3), and therefore
Zion, God’s capital organization, is a theocratic gov-
ernment, a pure theocracy, and not ‘‘a peoples’ man-
date’’ or a government ‘‘of the people, by the people’’.
The organization of Jehovah is a kingdom. It is not
a limited or constitutional monarchy with restrictions
upon it by a ereature or creatures. Jehovah has made
Christ Jesus Lord and King, and Christ Jesus an-
swers to no members of his body for his official acts,
All official acts and service, as foreshadowed in the
various Offices in the nation of Israel, Jehovah’s typ-
ical people, are now fulfilled in Christ Jesus the King,
In the official service the members of the body of
Christ share in a limited measure only as underpriests,
Levites, and servants called to the kingdom as servers
of God’s ‘‘judgments written’’. For this reason there
are no individuals in the organization under Christ
Jcsus who hold a superior degree or rank of superi-
ority. ‘All are one in Christ Jesus’ and under Christ
Jesus, the Head. Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are
the Teachers, and Christ Jesus at the temple is in im-
mediate command of the organization invisible and
visible. Separate and individual rights do not exist,
but every member of the organization must of neces-
sity be in complete subjection to the Head. It is nae-
J corti. 3 ’S ORGANIZATION is in no wise dem-
essary to get these principles fixed in mind and then
keep in mind that everything and everyone in the or-
ganization must be in harmony therewith and work
5 The primary purpose of this publication is to aid
the people of God now on the earth to more keenly
appreciate their relationship to God and Christ and,
so understanding, to then move forward in complete,
harmonious action. The temple eompany are now at
unity, having come ‘‘unto the measure of the stature
of the fulness of Christ ... the head, ... from whom
the whole body fitly joined together, and compacted
by that which every joint supplieth, according to the
effectual working in the measure of every part, mak-
eth increase of the body unto the edifying of itself
in love’. (Eph. 4: 18-16) The words of Isaiah 60:17
according to the Authorized Version read: ‘‘For brass
I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and
for wood brass, and for stones iron: I will also make
thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness.”’
Those words are prophetie and have a complete ful-
fillment after the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple
and the construction or building up of Zion, and show
a ¢-ear contrast in the conditions existing in the church
prior to that time and after the coming of the Lord
to the temple. That prophecy of Isaiah shows how
the work of the anointed remnant in Christ would be
far richer, grander and more glorious -han what pre-
eeded the building up of Zion, and this contrast is
shown as gold is contrasted with bronze, or copper,
and is richer than bronze, or copper; silver richer
and more desirable than iron, and copper than wood,
and iron than stone. Otherwise stated, these material
things are used in contrast and to illustrate the pres-
ent better and happier condition now existing in God’s
- That prophecy of Isaiah had its first miniature
fulfillment when the Jewish remnant were delivered from Babylon by the Gentile kings, Darius the Mede and Cyrus the Persian, and when that typical people were permitted to return to Jerusalem (Zion) there 163