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4.844 de octeți adăugați, 18 aprilie 2020 08:55
Neverificat: Pagină nouă: She WAICHI OW B AND HERALD OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE Vou, LIX June 15, 1938 No. 12 ORGANIZATION PART 2 “Instead of bronze I will bring in gold; and instead of iron I will brin...
(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: She WAICHI OW B AND HERALD OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE Vou, LIX June 15, 1938 No. 12 ORGANIZATION PART 2 “Instead of bronze I will bring in gold; and instead of iron I will brin...)
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Versiunea de la data 18 aprilie 2020 08:55

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She WAICHI OW B AND HERALD OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE Vou, LIX June 15, 1938 No. 12 ORGANIZATION PART 2 “Instead of bronze I will bring in gold; and instead of iron I will bring in silver; and instead of wood, bronze ; and instead of stones, iron; and I will appoint the oversight of thee to prosperity, and the setting of thy tasks to righteousness.’’—Isa. 60:17, Rotherham. foreknowing the establishment of his church upon Christ, the Chief Corner Stone, he began the build- ing thereof with the faithful apostles. ‘‘ And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; in whom all the building, fitly framed together, grow- eth unto an holy temple in the Lord; in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the spirit.’’—-Eph. 2: 20-22.

  • He foreknew and foretold through his servant ‘‘a

falling away’’ before the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple. (2 Thess. 2:1-8) He caused his prophecy to be written long ago in full accord with such con- ditions, All the Bible testimony is to the effect that with the coming of Christ to the temple there is a change for the betterment of the consecrated, in this, that the consecrated are shown what is the right and proper course for them to take. The temple judgment puts the consecrated to the test, and the approved ones are brought into the temple, enlightened, and plainly directed in the way that they must go. It is then that they begin to learn and appreciate the fact that God’s organization is a theocratic government. There is no reason to attach blame to the consecrated of the past because of the course taken by them dur- ing the Elijah period. The Lord permitted such for his own good reason. The question is, Who will gladly and willingly get in line with the Lord and walk in his way when the true situation is made known to such? God’s people came out of Babylon with spotted garments, which spots are not removed instantly, but gradually, as the Lord sheds his light upon his Word. It now definitely appears that the Lord God causes his people to have a part in the fulfillment of his prophecy, and then later and in his own due time and way reveals to them the evidence showing such fulfillment and the part they play therein. The in- ereased light brings great joy to the anointed, because such is clear proof that they are in the Lord’s hand, being guided by him. Jerse knew the end from the beginning, and, 5 The prophecy at Isaiah 60:17 describes conditions that were to exist and did exist for a long period of time and then a change to a better condition within the Lord’s visible organization, during which they would be brought to a better understanding and keener appreciation of their relationship to the Lord. The prophecy does not describe the relationship of the remnant to the outside world, which is Satan’s organ- ization, but does describe the relationship the anointed bear to Jehovah and Christ Jesus and hence to one another. Mark well the words of the prophecy show- ing that Jehovah brings about the change, to wit: ‘‘I [Jehovah] will brirg...I [Jehovah] will...make.”’ (Authorized Version) Clearly this shows that the mem- bers of the various companies have nothing to do with the change except to get in line when they see it. Jehovah declares that he will bring in a better con- dition and that he will make the officers, servants or overseers, to occupy a close relationship to him. For convenience of the Watchtower readers various trans- lations of this prophecy are here set out. ‘‘For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones iron. I will also make thine officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness.’’ (Isa, 60:17, Authorized Version’ ‘‘For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones iron. I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness.’’ (American Revised Version) ‘‘Instead of brass I will bring gold; and instead of iron I will bring silver; and instead of wood brass; and instead of stones iron; and I will make thine inspectors peace, and thy mag- istrates, righteousness.’’ (Barnes, New Translation) ‘Instead of the copper will I bring gold, and instead of the iron will I bring silver, and instead of wood copper, and instead of the stones iron; and I will set peace as thy authorities, and righteousness as thy task- masters.’’ (Lceser) ‘‘ And instead of brass I will bring thee gold; and instead of iron I will bring thee silver; and instead of wood I will bring thee brass; and in- stead of stones, iron; and I will give thy rulers in 179