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Versiunea din 18 aprilie 2020 08:55, autor: Administrator (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 182 the direct supervision and control of the Lord Jesus Christ at the temple, who is the Head of Zion. 12 Jehovah God is the great Theocrat, and Christ Jesus performs all the...)
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182 the direct supervision and control of the Lord Jesus Christ at the temple, who is the Head of Zion. 12 Jehovah God is the great Theocrat, and Christ Jesus performs all the official acts of Jehovah, includ- ing the appointment and discharge of servants. The organization is God’s, and not man’s; and since the Society is the Lord’s representative on earth, he uses it for his purpose. As King Solomon exercised like power in a typical manner, so now the Greater-than- Solomon, Christ Jesus, exercises full power and puts out the ‘‘evil servant’’ and raises up and puts into office and action the ‘‘faithful and wise servant’’, which latter he uses for his purpose—1 Ki. 2: 1-6, 26-35; Matt, 24: 45-51. 13 The kingdom is actually here, and the King is performing his functions, and, that being true, there could be no further occasion to employ the ‘‘Elijah period’’ method or democratic form of government in the companies or congregations of God’s people by voting for or against those put forward for service. ‘*God ruleth in Jacob [his anointed ones] unto the ends of the earth.’’ (Ps. 59:18) Since the coming of the Lord Jesus in 1918 there is therefore a reorgani- zation of the Lord’s servants, even though the con- secrated come to a knowledge thereof some time after the change is made. It is the sole prerogative of the great Theocrat to appoint the members and set them in their places in the body of Christ as it pleases him. (1 Cor. 12: 18, 28) He acts by his Chief Officer, Christ Jesus, who is the great Judge for our time. (Acts 17:31) He is pouring out his holy spirit upon ‘‘all flesh’’, that is, all of the temple company in the flesh, from A.D. 1922 onward, and therefore God has not set up a separate and superior clergy-class or so-called

  • tholy orders’’, but all of Zion are on a common foot-

ing, and ‘‘one is [their] Master [(Greek) kathegetes, guide, leader, director, commander, and teacher], even Christ’’.—Matt. 23:8, Parkhurst. 14 All share in one general fulfillment of the com- mission God has given to the remnant, but necessarily there are different places of service in the theocratic government, just as there were in the tabernacle serv- ice. Officers or titles are nothing, because the service can be performed in one name as well as in another. The Head, Christ Jesus, properly bears any and all titles. He shows his complete submission to the great Theocrat. Christ Jesus joyfully bears the name ‘‘elect”’ “‘servant’’, ‘‘my servant.’? The remnant constitute ‘‘the feet of him’’, and therefore all are properly called servants. In harmony therewith the Society, in the recent past, has designated all in the organi- zation as ‘‘servants’’, and that without reference to the place one fills. The assignment and designation of a certain one in a certain place means that the servant is assigned to certain duties within a restricted area, and all the servants are working harmoniously to one end, Fhe WATCHTOWER. BROOKLYN, N. Y. The Lord has gradually revealed to his people the proper meaning of ‘‘his organization’’, and now it clearly appears from the Scriptures that all serv- ants in the various positions of the organization of the remnant or anointed ones of God’s people on the earth are properly named by the Society as the vis- ible representatives of the Lord at the temple, and that such obligation of naming their servants is not laid upon each separate company, to act in the demo- cratic fashion of casting votes for and against. The company of God’s people at London, England, some time ago saw this situation and by resolution requested the Society to appoint servants of the company. There- fore, acting in obedience to the Scriptures and in har- Mony with such request, the London company was organized as one company, composed of several units, and one company servant appointed over all units and a eaptain or unit servant for each of the units which composed the company. The Greater New York company, the Chicago company, the Los Angeles com- pany, and other companies, have been organized and are now operated in a like manner, At the request of each of the companies the Society has reorganized the Service organization and appointed the servants. It therefore appears to be entirely Scriptural, and in order, that a company of God’s people may request the Society to carry out this organization arrange- ment, and this may be done for each and every com- pany of the Lord’s people. Each local company may properly suggest the names of those who appear to be best qualified to fill the respective positions of serv- ice, and then place before or send such request to the Society at the Brooklyn headquarters or to the head- quarters in the various countries of the earth, and such names will be considered in making such appoint- ment. The anointed have full faith that the Lord will direct that the proper course may be taken. That will not mean that there will be no mistakes, because some, after being appointed, may prove unfaithful, and the Lord has made full arrangements in removing such. Let all companies of God’s people who see that such is the proper and Scriptural arrangement adopt a brief resolution and send it to the respective head- quarters above mentioned, which resolution may be in the following form, to wit: ““We, the company of God’s people taken out for Hig mame, and NOW At ecresesscenscsecnersnscnnmennesanenememeein , rec- ognize that God’s government is a pure theocracy and that Christ Jesus is at the temple and in full charge and control of the visible organization of Jehovah, as well as the invisible, and that ‘‘Tur Socrety’’ is the visible representative of the Lord on earth, and we therefore request ‘‘The Society’’ to organize this company for service and to appoint the various serv- ants thereof, so that all of us may work together in peace, righteousness, harmony and complete unity. We attach hereto a list of names of persons in this company that to us appear more fully mature and