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Versiunea din 18 aprilie 2020 08:55, autor: Administrator (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 186 has promised. (Prov. 3:5, 6) It was freely announced even before that, that 1925 appeared to be an impor- tant year, but its real importance was not seen until the present...)
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186 has promised. (Prov. 3:5, 6) It was freely announced even before that, that 1925 appeared to be an impor- tant year, but its real importance was not seen until the present time. 2° Further interesting facts are these: ‘‘But Solo- mon was building his own house thirteen years, and he finished all his house. He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hun- dred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars [like a cedar forest of Lebanon], with cedar beams upon the pillars, Then he made a porch for the throne, where he might judge, even the porch of judgment; and it was covered with cedar from one side of the floor to the other. And his house where he dwelt had another court within the porch, which was of the like work. Solomon made also an house for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had taken to wife, like unto this poreh.’’ (1 Ki. 7:1, 2,7,8) ‘‘And it came to pass at the end of twenty years, when Solomon had built the two houses, the house of the Lord, and the king’s house.’’ (1 Ki. 9:10; 2 Chron. 8:1) The completion of that particular building program of Solomon included the temple, the king’s palace, and the house of the forest of Lebanon for judgment (and also for an armory, 2 Chronicles 9:15,16); which completion took place in the twentieth year after the beginning of the temple, said year being 1016 B.C., and which ‘‘twentieth year’’ ends with the begin- ning of the spring of 1938, and hence corresponds with the year 1937 which ends in the spring of 1938; and to which attention is here directed.

  • °The year 1937 appears to be a marked year of

importance to the people of God, including both the romnant and their ‘‘companions’’, the people of good will, as if this year may be introductory to something more important. In that ‘‘twentieth year’’, 19387, there assembled the most constructive and important con- ventions of Jehovah’s witnesses yet assembled, to wit, in the city of Paris, France, in August, and at Colum- bus, Ohio, in September, 19387. By means of radio the witnesses in other parts of the earth, to wit, Europe, Africa, Australia, and islands of the sea, had a part in those assemblies. The publie address pointing to God’s way of ‘‘Safety’’ was delivered to a visible audience of 30,000 persons and at the same time over many radio stations. (September 18 and 19) Then on September 26, 125 radio stations broadcast the public address ‘‘Worshiping God’’, whercin was condemned the conduct of the commercial radio stations and op- erators for improper use of this God-given facility ; and then on October 31 thereafter judgment against the commercial radio owners, operators, and control- lers of radio stations was expressed by discontinuing of commercially-paid radio programs which relate to God’s kingdom. Was this directed and done at the dictation of the King, Christ Jesus, in the ‘‘porch She WATCHTOWER. Brooxuyrn, N. Y. of judgment’’? It was not prearranged by any man having in mind the fulfillment of prophecy. 51 Tt is of some significance that in the close of this very ‘‘twenticth year’’ the question of Jehovah’s tem- ple and royal house, and who is in it, and their duty and responsibility, is considered and now prepared to be published in The Watchtower and the publica- tion of which will immediately precede what is here written. It also appears certain that as in the ‘‘thir- teen years’’ during which Solomon was building his royal palace and his judgment house like a forest of Lebanon, so during the thirteen years from 1925 on- ward Jehovah’s King Judge, Christ Jesus, has been expressing his judgments, including ‘the cleansing of the sanctuary’, and also by the arrangement of scrv- ice organization and work. Individualism of the re- spective companies has been done away with, and the Society, by the will and grace of Jehovah, has taken its proper place in Jehovah’s theocratie gov- ernment. The unity of the anointed and the har- monious co-operation with their companions are made manifest today as never before. The Watchtower in this ‘‘twentieth year’’ has set forth the Scriptural proof as to who is of the royal house and who of the ‘‘great multitude’’, and their relationship to each other and to the Lord. It was in May 1937 that The Watchtower announced that capable Jonadabs are eligible for company service organizations. The Watch. tower, as of August 15, 1937, published the article “‘Companions’’, setting forth the relationship of the ‘little flock’? and the ‘‘great multitude’’, The end of the ‘‘twentieth year’’ in 1015 B.C. (which twen- tieth year corresponds with 1938) comes in the ful- fillment on April 2, 1928. The Memorial for 1938 was celebrated April 15, 1988. The Watchtower for March 1 and 15, 1938, published the ‘‘Memorial’’ article, setting forth clearly who shall partake, and also the article showing the distinction between the anointed and great multitude; and thus ‘‘the twen- ticth year’’ parallel comes to a close, which matter is seen for the first time as this present article is in course of preparation for publication. 32 As previously arranged, by the Lord’s grace and guidance, the international testimony period entitled “‘Companions’’ began April 9, 1988, and progresses, and during which time the books Riches and Enemies, together with the booklet Cure, are specifically fea- tured and widely distributed. The magazine now Con- solation is also put forward in this testimony period. It is quite manifest that the Lord is guiding his people and that his theocratic government is in operation and complete control, so far as his visible organization on earth is concerned. Will everyone who loves the Lord get in line and take his respective and proper place? WORKERS $3 During the “‘twenty years’’ of Solomon’s build- ing program he employed or made use of non-Israelites