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7.338 de octeți adăugați, 17 august 2019 11:21
Neverificat: Pagină nouă: International Bible Students Association SERVICE APPOINTMENTS T. E. BARKER nat tie CI"eek. ~[jeh. June Charlotte, ~'lich. " Lun:-:illg', )hcll. Leslie, ~lleh. . Jackson, :.'.Iieh...
(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: International Bible Students Association SERVICE APPOINTMENTS T. E. BARKER nat tie CI"eek. ~[jeh. June Charlotte, ~'lich. " Lun:-:illg', )hcll. Leslie, ~lleh. . Jackson, :.'.Iieh...)
(Nicio diferență)

Versiunea de la data 17 august 2019 11:21

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International Bible Students Association SERVICE APPOINTMENTS T. E. BARKER nat tie CI"eek. ~[jeh. June Charlotte, ~'lich. "

Lun:-:illg', )hcll.

Leslie, ~lleh. . Jackson, :.'.Iieh. . (,helsea. ~Iieh. .. Ann . ..rbor, )lich.









n, ]::

.. .._."



YpSIlanti, :llieh ~l:rll1outh,

,Tune 1i, 1R



1Iireh Hun. ~Iieh Flin't, ~Jkh.


FpHton, .:lieh.

Durand. ~fieh. Owosso, llich. .





2~, ~ 1:


28, 30



Logansport, Ind Peru, Ind. 'aua"h, Ind.

lIadon, Iud.

30-,Tune 1 _June ~-·1 " G-8 ". !l-11 13-15


Kokomo, Ind. .. ,Tune 1G-1R La Fayette, Ind. . " 20-~2 Elwoo<1 Iud "


3Iun<'ie: Ind: 27-2!> Anderson, Ind. ..,T une 30-,T uI~' ~


SaAk. .-:fay Ho('lle Per('ee, Sa.,k. June 'Ye~'hurll,;:. . . __. '


1') '


OUll,l!I'e. Sa~lL HatdifTe, Has1:.



)[axim, Sa::.;k. .



Ei'itfllJl, Ha:--Ic




Yieeroy. ~a~k. . (:ranc Yalley, Sa:--k . . . .,

11,1:J ]-1


ssiniboiu, Sask Jl1ne lG, 16 Luella, 8w;).;:. "17 Fife Lake, ~a:;;k.....__ " 1~ Lacordail'C', Hasl:. •... " 10 lIal'ptrf'e, Sa:;;!:. "


llel'oic.:t, S:u,k. .


BpH. er Yalley. :-;<1:-'1. " 2-!,:!,') HhaUll:lVOll, ~a:-,l~.

!(;, :27

EMte an, ~a:sk.


G. H.DRAPER Roondllp, 111"1. Evan~ ille, Ind. t)wpn~hol'o,




fl-ll 10-13


Jeft'er.sollyille, Ky..... "

LouisdIle. K~'........ _.Tune 1G-:2:l Lexington, Ky. . _. . " 2--1-,:!;) Portsmouth. OhIO . "


.Rhland, Kr.......,Tulle 30-,Tul~' :!

Oskaloo"ia, Iowa ~Iay :)O-,Tulle 1


Keo:-;:lUlIUa, 10:l .. __ June 10 a li-S Hurling-ton, Io,,"a. .. _ . !l-ll l;)-lj lJa "enVOi t, 10 a .. _ "

Hock Islall,l, III. <:lint?n, 10 :~. ._ H. "ayne. lH

,Tune __ . :: _...

Alvordton, Ohio _.. _..June 1<;-1 R Port Clinton, Ohio .. " 20·:.!2 Fremont, Ohio "


Bellevue, Ohio __ "

2'7 <!U

Handll,k~', Ohio ,Tunc 30-,Tul~':!

J. C. WATT "ilkes-B're. Pa. (1') ~Iay :)O-,Tune:! (,!inton, X. J June


Dover, X . .T ••.•..••.•...•• " (j-S Paten.;nll, X. J. . " 9-15 Passaic, X. J _.. " 10-18

moomfil'ld. X. J



Elizabeth, :. J _ "


PlainfIeld, X. J ._ " . :2'7-2~ Kew Bl'unsw'k, X. J.June00-JuJ.y 1 Xewark, X. J ...._......,Tuly


C. A. WISE Kew lIm-en, Conn. ,Tune 1-1, ] G (;~)ll1luhlls,. OhIo

IS (..1I1~lni.l'atl, (!Ino " ]U LOUl~ Illp, hy. "_" __ '" 21, ~3 Bnul~nlle, Inti. . " :2'4,:23

M. L. HERR l~eol,ul,.

Wi". (1') ~Iay 30-June:! Goshen, ImJ. .._ .. J nile


AllUlll'Jl, Ind ........ _.... " G-S ('arrctt. Ind. ._._........ !l-11 Edgerton, Uhio 1;],-1:1

Terre Jlaute, Ind. ..June 2fi, 27 In(llanal'0lh:, Iud. . " 2U,30

llunde, Ind

July 1, :! ~lanAtJeld, Ohio " .J.-7 ""heeling, "'. Ya••..• t' b, U

Dubuque, 10 a •...... _" Ill. .. .....__.... Jul~·


GEORGE YOUNG Elg-in, Ill. ..._._. ..... _JU116


..rora, In. " v-I) Uary. Ind. . .... !l-11

l1idllgan City, Ind.


W. M. HERSEE Humuoldt, Sask. ... _.. ~Iay :!9. 30 (JuiU Lake, ~a:;k. ._J une 1, :! Kermuria, ........"

1, .J:

Clair, " G, (j ""adena, Ha~1. " 7, S IJl,-ernHl~", Sa~k•........ " n !{amsael" Sask " 11,]~ (;rall<lnpw, )Ian _ " 1;~, 1-4, ~ill.>ert Plain;.:, ~lan. 1.1, lu




Ht. HOAe, ~l all. la 1-'r., )lall. " BI'HIHlon, )Ian __. .. " Slutalnta. Sask " UeginH, ::-;nsk. Porta~e



Sa:-,k•...• " "

Earl Grey, ~a:--I~ Hasl,atoon, SaBI,.._.

Belling-ham, "~a~h. June 20-22 ....._.. " 24,2,') 1Iarrsdlle, 'Ya~lI. "


E-erett, "'a:,-:h. . _Juno 30-Jul,," 2

BYCrROn, 'Yash.

Heattle, Ya,h ........_..July


A. H. MACMILLAN Duluth, )Iinn. __ .lune ] ,-" r; ]<'ort ""ill WlIl , Onto .. " 7-;) ,rinnilleg-, )Ian. __ .. ]() Portag-o In. 1'1'., :lan. " 1J.]:! Brandon. ~Ian. 14-1v ~loo::;e Jaw, Ba:;k. .-.. "

S.lsk. . Heg-IlIa, . __.. ~Iazpnod.


HaRk. .

York ton, Hask JJl1lC'apolls, )[lllll.

,Tnne 1R " 1 n, :!() "







DulHHIUC, Iowa

2D, ;],0

H. S. MURRAY Omaha. Xphl".

.. "av :2<i-June 1

l'eula:-.ka Ci1 ", XelJr. June



'Yymore, XPlH" Lineoln, Kehl'. ~tanton, XelJr.

!l-] 1 13-1G

Korfolk, Kphr...._._ .. ,Tune


'Yillsiclp, XelJr.



Cleal'watpl', Xchl'. (}l'und Islund, Xch!'.


Ha.stings, Xebr... J une ;J.O-July 2

J. C. RAINBOW Tacoma, YaAIl. l'u~uIIup, y,,,h

_ Tune "

2-8 !l-11

Enumclaw. W,,,h...,Tune 13-13 Heattle, Yash...,Tnne lv-July 1-!

E. B. SHEFFIELD RoY' Rh-er, :linn.... _June Er~kine, )LiUll •.........•



Grund Rapids,



4,5 G-,s 9-11 13-1;)

lIihlJing-, )Iinn. ......Jun-e 'YitheC', "·is. lillIan, Y". L'luty, 'Yis................•

](;-1'> 20-22



H. L. STEWART Montreal, Que !{ing'Rton, Onto Toronto, Out

,Tune "


1,2 3·!) <l-13

31arcelluR, )lich.






!; -:!J


. "

DWIGHT KENYON Bremerton, ""ash. )Iay 30-June ~1 Port r:r'n.spnd, ""ash. June 0-8 Port AngeleK, ""a:-;lJ." 9-11 ~1t. Yerllon, "·a:·dl " 1:~-15 llurlinglon, Wu,ll " 1V-1S

B'ton II'uol', ~1icll. June 1n-1S Houth Ihlen,,)1ieh. _.


h:alaJlHlJ':o{), )lich.

l'etprAhol"o. Out June 1-!-1<i Ifalihurton, Onto •..... " 17-1!) Lindsar, Onto


In view of the fact that there will be no general conwmtion during 1929, the Bocidy is arranging a series of local com entions, to be held in conjunction with the regional service directors' appointments to some of the larger classes. These conventions [tIe for the convenienco of classes ithm a ladlU~ of from sixty to a hundred miles from the city where tlley al"J helrl. Communications should be directed to the secrctary, whose name and address are given in each instance. Duluth, :llinn _ __ _ _._ _ ,Tune ].;) .dUln .. Gray. Gl:! X. 57th A Ie. Y. CleYeland. Ohio _ _._.. .. _ _._ _._ ,Tnue 8, 9 II. Y. :lIathews, 303S .bhwood .he. H.E. Xew Hayen, COllil _. _ __ __ .June 1+11.i ~1i"S Clara KI<,uc, t:i t:,her Ht., West lIul en, COlin. LouisnJle, Ky _._. _._ . __ Julle 21 23 h'. Hammers('hnlldt, 117 ~tate ~t. Duuuque, Iowa .. .. _ _ hllle :W, ;)0 L. O. Hillyard. 1~0! Henion St. In<1ianap()li~, Ind. .. . .. _.._ _ __ __ J une 20, 00 Edgar .:-. Flynn, ]:!a.s Thomvsoll :--;t. ~IauAfiel,l, Ohio _ _._ __ _ ,Tuly .J.-7 1<'. B. Loreuz, :>i S. Walnut ~'t. Kewark, X. J __ ._._ _ _._ _ ,Tuly -!-7 Hoal'd A. Grams, 488 SUllllllel' ~Ye. Pittsburg-h, l'a _ _ _ ,Tuly 4-7 11. "'. Dorst, GO;) Highland Place. Bellevue. PH. Seattle, Wash. .._._ _ _._._ _ _ _ _ ,Tuly -!-7 C. C. Homcl'yi1le, 2:!03 'V. Trenton Ht. CharleAton, W. Ya _._ _ _. July 13, H .. J. Vilkin,ou, i41 Charleston Ht. Washing-tou, n. C. (Colored) .__ ._....... ._ July ]!l-:!1 F. K. Hichard,on. 1503 "U" HI. X. Y. Spokane, WaAh _ _ _ _. __ ._ ,Tuly 20. :!1 W..J. Baxter, Y. :!.Jo14 Mallon A vc. 'Yausau. 'Vi:-l. __ _.. __...................................•.... July 20, :.!1 Walter "". Beilke, 13aS l'rospect AYe. Dell·er. Colorado _ _.. _. __ _ August 10, 11 K. C. Rcddish, 4785 Quitman St. nutte, :lIont _ _ _ _ Augnst 10, 11 W. Y. COl'lleIie, 10(ll H. W~'ollling St. Detroit. ~Iicll. _ __ _............ .. .. _.. . Aug-ust N, 25 P. J. ~Iedllla, 50:>3 Bi"hop Ht. Buffalo. X. Y _ _ _._ _ August N, 25

l1iss .Iice E. DayiA, 218 BrIstol Ht.