
De la Ro JW United
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{ \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff << 
    \new Voice \relative c'' { \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 8 = 120 \stemUp \clef treble \key fis \minor \time 3/8 s4. | <gis' dis>8^.^( <gis dis>^. <gis dis>^.) | s4. | <fis cis>8^.^( <fis cis>^. <fis cis>^.) | s4. | fis16^( eis dis cis) <b' gis>8^. | <a fis>^. r r | s4 } 
    \new Voice \relative c'' { \stemDown cis8[ d] cis | bis4. | b!32_([ cis d16 cis8)] b | ais4. | b8 a![_( gis)] | a fis[_( eis)] | fis \grace { e(} d4) | cis } \addlyrics { Buß - und Reu,– Buß4 und8 Reu– knirscht das Sün- den- herz ent- zwei }
  \new Staff \relative c { \clef bass \key fis \minor \time 3/8 fis4.~_"Bar 13" | fis8 gis16( fis eis dis) | eis4. | e!8 fis16( e d cis) | d8( cis b) | cis4.~ | cis8 b16( a gis fis) | eis ^"173 bars"}
   >> >> }