Deschide meniul principal
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \key c \major 
c4 g8 g a4 g r b^> c^> r \bar "|." } 
\addlyrics { Shave and a hair -- cut: two bits. }
Unable to compile LilyPond input file:
Processing `.../'
.../ error: Missing music in \score
\language "nederlands
.../ error: syntax error, unexpected \score, expecting '}'
        \score {
.../ error: syntax error, unexpected >>
.../ error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
      \override DynamicText.direction = #
.../ error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
      \override DynamicLineSpanner.direction = #
.../ error: syntax error, unexpected '}'

.../ error: syntax error, unexpected '}'

Unbound variable: UP
Unbound variable: UP
fatal error: failed files: ".../"

exited with status: 1