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6.134 de octeți adăugați, 23 martie 2020 18:56
Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 164 to build the temple of God and to reconstruct the walls, (Ezra 6:1-15) It shows that the later Persian kin::, the suceessor of Cyrus, compelled heathen opposers to contribu...
(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 164 to build the temple of God and to reconstruct the walls, (Ezra 6:1-15) It shows that the later Persian kin::, the suceessor of Cyrus, compelled heathen opposers to contribu...)
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Versiunea de la data 23 martie 2020 18:56

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164 to build the temple of God and to reconstruct the walls, (Ezra 6:1-15) It shows that the later Persian kin::, the suceessor of Cyrus, compelled heathen opposers to contribute toward the building of the temple and walls of Jerusalem. Thus, according to the prophecy of Isaiah 60: 16, concerning them it is written: ‘‘Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings [Darius, picturing Jehovah God, and Cyrus the Persian, picturing Christ Jesus} ; and thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.’’—Isa. 60: 16. 5 Furthermore, the prophecy of Isaiah 60:17 had a temporary or miniature fulfillment with the estab- lishment of the church, and which lasted during the days of the apostles; and thereafter captivity and affiiction again came upon God’s people, reaching a climax in the persecution of 1917 and 1918. But the complete fulfillment is after the affliction upon the faithful followers of Christ Jesus and after the com- ing of Christ Jesus to the temple, there to try, test and make manifest the approved sons of antitypical Levi.

  • For the guidance of its readers in the considera-

tion of this matter The Watchtower ventures here the assertion that what follows herein, and which is fully supported by the Scriptures, establishes the following, to wit: That the teaching in the congregations dur- ing the ‘‘Elijah period’’ respecting the liberty of the classes or companies or congregations in voting into office their elders and deacons was an error; that the text at Acts 14: 23 was misunderstood, and hence mis- interpreted, and that the stretching forth of the hand by the members of the congregation was not the proper means of expressing the choice of servants; that the commission to ‘‘ordain’’ or ‘‘appoint officers in the church’’ was never delegated to the congregation or company ; and that the entire absence in the epistles of Paul to the church respecting suck arrangement is very persuasive proof in support of this conclu- sion; that Paul, acting on instructions from the Lord, delegated certain authority and power to Timothy and Titus to perform certain dutics in the church concerning the selection of servants or officers, but that said authority was not conferred upon the con- gregation as a whole or as a supposed ‘‘democratic”’ body, Furthermore, that in the interval from the days of the apostles to the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple of Jehovah the Lord provided by and through the office of the holy spirit for the needs of each and every congregation; that with the coming of Christ to the temple the Lord Jesus Christ directs all things concerning his church, because he is in full command and fulfills completely the places or offices occupied by the apostle Paul and others; and that the instructions given by Paul to Timothy and Titus are also applicable to the ‘‘last days’’, where we now are; and that the ‘‘faithful and wise servant’’ occupics a fhe WATCHTOWER. BROOKLYN, N, Y. place similar to that fulfilled by Timothy and Titus, and that the servant now acts under the direction and command and supervision of the Lord Jesus Christ, and hence the entire organization must be at complete unity and move forward in perfect accord and har- monious action. 7 This is the day of Jehovah and the time for the vindication of his name. He has given his elect serv- ant for a witness to the people, and the head of that servant, Christ Jesus, is the Leader and Commander. (Isa. 55:4) Christ Jesus at the temple is in charge of Zion, and every member thereof must be in com- plete harmony with him and be joyfully obedient to his commands, and hence no member thereof has any right or privilege to take a separate course according to his own ideas. Christ Jesus is the chief representa- tive and vindicator of Jehovah, and over and above all of the organization is Jehovah the Most High. Every one of the organization looks not to a selfish interest, but to the general interest or welfare of the organization. To the remnant of that organization now on the earth is committed much, and much more is demanded of them. In order for these to move for- ward in the war the Lord provides information for their aid and comfort and specifically directs them in the right way to go. Among the people of Jehovah under Christ there can be no division, but all must stand shoulder to shoulder as one compact body, joy- fully rendering their offerings in righteousness unto the Lord. In some of the companies there appear still to be controversies, but when the faithful get a proper understanding of God’s organization and their indi- vidual relation thereto, there can be no controversies amongst the people of which the real remnant participates. It is the time for absolute peace within the organization, and a time for war against the enemy. REGULATION ®The Commander, Christ Jesus, in the day of his flesh gave no direction whatsoever concerning any arrangement to be made for the regulation of the com- panies or congregations of his followers, or selection of servants amongst them. He definitely stated his relationship to the church. He is the Foundation Stone and the Builder, and therefore he said to his apostles: ‘Upon this rock [Christ himself] I will build my chureh.”’ (Matt. 16:18) He delegated certain au- thority to his apostles, and to them he said: ‘‘As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. .. . Receive ye the holy [spirit].’’ (John 20:21, 22) To the com- munitics or companics of his brethren he gave in- struction concerning offenses against the Lord’s or- ganization and as to the manner in which they should deal with such, but no instruction concerning the se- lection of servants was given by him. (Matt. 18: 15-18) When Saul, who was afterwards called Paul, received enlightenment from the Lord and forsook religion, he was appointed by the Lord Jesus as his special