Pagină:Obadiah-part-II-1936.djvu/5: Diferență între versiuni

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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: JuLy 1, 1956 pope is of so great authority and power that he ean inedify, declare or interpret the divine law. The pope ean sometimes counteraet the divine law by limiting, exp...)
(Pagină înlocuită cu „Papa are o autoritate și putere atât de mare încât poate să modifice, să explice și să interpreteze legea divină. Papa poate lucra câteodată împotriva leg...”)
(Etichetă: Înlocuit)
Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):
Linia 1: Linia 1:
JuLy 1, 1956
Papa are o autoritate și putere atât de mare încât poate să modifice, să explice și să interpreteze legea divină. Papa poate lucra câteodată împotriva legii divine
pope is of so great authority and power that he ean
inedify, declare or interpret the divine law. The pope
ean sometimes counteraet the divine law by limiting,
explaining, ete.’’
8 Jehovah foreknew the selfish exaltation of the
hypocritical clei gv crowd, and particularly the Roman
Catholie Ilierarchy, and therefore he caused his
prophet to write: ‘‘The pride of thine heart hath de-
ceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the
rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart,
Vho shall bring me down to the ground??’—Ohad. 3,
® The proud man becomes se Rmpressed with his own
greatness and importance that he is blind to every-
thing clse, and therefore deceives himself, Continuing
to follow in that course he is eertain to fall. ‘‘Pride
cocth before destruction, and an haughty spirit be-
fore a fall.’’? (Prov. 16:18) Price quickly leads one to
the commission of presumptueas sins, which are a
shame before God and all who leve righteousness. ‘Te
that is void of wisdom despiscth his neighbour; but a
man of understanding holdceth his peace.’? (Prov.
J1:12) The Edomites perched high up in the rocks,
reearded themselves as of supreme importance, and
looked with contempt upon others. Likewise the clergy
of the Hierarchy and their allies have perched them-
relves high up amongst mun, have deported theinselves
in an arrogant and proud manner, and regarded thein-
selves as far superior to the common herd, The Ro-
man Catholic Therarchy then ealls gullible and trust-
ful people who support and keep up their wicked or-
ganization “the Catholic poputation’’, and cumpels
thrse poor people to confess to the wicked priests all
their weaknesses so that the priests can extract money
from the people and thus take advantage of them. The
foman Catholie Hierarchy is eruel and = scornful,  
proud and severe. They reeeive their support and
maintenance from the common people, whom they have
ceccvived and made believe that the clergy are the rep-
resentatives of the Lord and that the Hicrarchy is a
divine organization. In order to further deccive the
people those of the Hierarchy call themselves ‘‘fa-
ther’, and all the Catholics other than the Hierarchy
are ealled the ‘‘ehildren of the ehureh’’, All the chil-
dren these roosters have are illegitimate, because they
make the rule themselves that they must not marry,
manifestly not wishing to be confined to one particular
family. The clergy erowd are far removed from the
Great Rock, Jehovah God, and his Chicf Stone, the
JJcad and Foundation Stone, and Captain of his or-
ganization, who is Christ Jesus. If they were in fact
following in the footsteps of the Lord, and truly rep-
resenting him, they would not show partiality amon¢e
men, but would remember thai the Lord God and
Christ Jesus are no respecters of persons, and would
do likewise. Such men have no fear of God. They
jeynore his plain word which is addressed to all who
claim to serve him: ‘Wherefore now, Iet the fear of
the Lord be upon you; take heed and do it; for there
is no iniguitv with the Lord our (ied, nar. respect of
persons. nor taking of gifts.’’ (2 Chron. 19:7) These
hypocritieal clergy push the puor on the side, make
them confess to wicked priests by speaking to them
through a hole in some cage or box, inside of which
the priest is conecaled. If a man of riches or influence
comes to confess he is given much more consideration
and in proportion to the amount he contributes
through the hole in the box. Such is a practice par-
ticularly in the church at Vatiean City ealled ‘‘St.
Peter’s’’. It is a common thing to see poor, wretched
people kneeling on the flagstones in that building,
dropping their coins thiougn the hole and whispering
in the cars of a priest inside the box. That such prac-
tice is despicable in the sight of God is shown by this
declaration m his Word: *‘For if there come unto
your assembly a man with a gold rme, in goodly ap-
parel, and there come in also a poor man in vile rai-
ment; and ye have respect to him that weareth the
gay clothing, and say unte him, Sit thou here in a good
place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit
here under my footstuol; are ye not then partial in
yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts ?
But if ye have respeet to per-ons, ve comuiuit sin, and
are convineed of the law as transercssors.’’—das,
20 The Protestant clergy of modern times follow in
the Icad of the Hierarchy. These scriptures apply to
all who have agreed to do the will of God or who are
in an implicd covenant to do his will by reason of
their clauns, and certainly that ineludes the clerey
who have assumed and ¢laim to be the representatives
of Cod, An exaetly contrary course is taken by the
men who love God, as it is written: “The Lord is my
rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my
strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the
horn of my salvation, and my hich tower.’’? (Bs. 18:2)
“From the end of the carth will T ery unto thee, when
my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the roek that 3s
higher than [.’? (Ps. 61:2) The faithful followers of
Christ Jesus trust in Jehovah, the Great Roek, and in
his beloved Son, the Foundation Stone of his organi-
But the clergy, the antitypical Edomites, boast
of their superiority and the strength of their organi-
zation. They make the worldly governments their
“yoek’’, They clamber up into the high political
places and participate in the councils of those who
rule under the power of the invisible vod of this world,
Satan the Devil. Those elergymen have hecome skill-
ful riders of the beast because the Roman Catholie
Hierarchy, and the other elerey allied with her, falsely
claim to represent God and Christ and at the same
time openly and deliberately alien themselves with
the commercial traftickers and professional pohticions
and use their power to oppress and defiand the people
who support them. God designates that hypocritical
orgenization as ‘‘the whore’, (Rev. 17: 3-15) Relying

Versiunea de la data 27 iunie 2020 15:01

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Papa are o autoritate și putere atât de mare încât poate să modifice, să explice și să interpreteze legea divină. Papa poate lucra câteodată împotriva legii divine