Pagină:A-great-image-part-I-1930.djvu/8: Diferență între versiuni

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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 232 This shows that Lucifer had other spirit creatures in his organization, and over which he ranked as superior, As a superior officer in God’s organization ecrtain specifie...)
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Versiunea de la data 23 martie 2020 18:32

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232 This shows that Lucifer had other spirit creatures in his organization, and over which he ranked as superior, As a superior officer in God’s organization ecrtain specifie duties devolved upon him, and man was un- der Lucifer’s direct supervision, Being above others of his organization he would be properly referred to as the head thereof. 87 God ereated the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air and brought them before Adam and eaused him to give each one a name, and they were subject to Adam. (Gen. 1:28; 2:19,20) Since Lucifer was overlord of Adam it follows that all these beasts of the ficld and fowls of the air’were under his superior supervision. The further description by the prophet eoneerning Lucifer’s organization is this: ‘‘ Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters, when he shot forth. All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations’? (Ezek. 31:5,6) Compare this language at this point with Daniel 2: 38. METALS 88 The image described by Daniel in the prophecy mentions three precious metals, to wit, gold and silver, and copper, which is mistranslated ‘‘brass’’, It men- tions one base metal ‘‘iron’’. The meaning of these metals is significant, otherwise the Lord would not have them in his Word in connection with this image. Gold is first mentioned in the Bible as being in the land of Havilah, which land was watered by one of the heads of the rivers that flowed out of Eden. (Gen. 2:11,12) The Most Holy, both of the tabernacle and of the temple, was overlaid with fine gold. The cherubs in the Most Holy were made of gold. (Ex. 25: 17-19; 1 Ki. 6: 22-28) The tabernacle and temple pictured God’s organization. Gold is symbolie of things divine. The saints of Zion are comparable to fine gold. (lam. 4:2) Silver is a precious metal and was used in con- nection with the tabernacle and temple service. (Ex. 26:19) The platters, bowls and other utensils used in that service were made of silver. (Num. 7:13; 1 Chron. 28:17) Silver is next in order in value as compared with gold, but of course of less value than gold. It is mentioned as sccond in the terrible image. 8° Copper is another precious metal, but of less value than silver. Brass, as we know, is a combination of metals. The word ‘‘brass’’, appearing in the Author- ized Version, is a mistranslation, and should be ‘‘cop- per’’. Copper was used in connection with the taber- nacle and the temple, (Ex. 88:3) Gold, silver and cop- per are classed as ‘‘noble’’ metals and have their rel- ative value as in the order named. The description of Lucifer when he was in Eden, as given by the prophet, shows that he was covered with gold and precious te WATCH TOWER Brooxtyn, N. Y, stones which God gave to him when he was ereated or when installed in office. THE ENEMY 4°>Lueifer was undoubtedly the most beautiful in appearance of all creatures in his immediate organiza- tion which God had provided for him. He had much; but he coveted more, and by reason thereof he became the great encmy of God. (Jer. 51:18) Being made perfect and beautiful and being given a commission of great authority he was duty-bound to be wholly loyal to God. ‘‘Iniquity’’? means lawlessness or that which is contrary to law, and the record shows that Lucifer became lawless, and from that time he was God's enemy. ‘‘Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.’’ (Ezek. 28:15) From that day until now he has been interfering with God’s organization, and Jesus is authority for the statement that he is The Enemy.—Matt. 13: 25-38, 41. “When Lucifer rebelled against God and started on his course of lawlessness or wickedness God changed his name, or gave him different names, and ore of these names is Satan, which means opposer or ad- versary. This signifies that he is the enemy of God and that he resists everything that God does. (Zech. 3:1,2) It was Satan that tried to turn Job against God. He induced Judas to betray Christ Jesus. (Job 1: 6-12; Luke 22:3) He also got control of the clergy of Jesus’ time and dragged them into his great con- spiracy to murder the Holy One. 42 Serpent is another name that Lucifer has had since his rebellion and whieh significs that he is the arch deeciver. He has deceived almost all the human race. His deceptions have been so complete that only God’s ‘elect servant’ class amongst men are able to resist him, and these do so only by the grace of God. —Matt. 24:24; Ps. 91: 2-11. 43 At the present time Satan has induced almost all people to believe that no such a thing as the Devil is existing but that all talk about the Devil is a myth. By reason of this deception he is able to use them more to his purposes. Even among the children of God fully consecrated to do his will, until reeent years many thought that Satan the Devil had been bound and restrained for some time. Not until 1924 was it made elear from the Seriptural evidenee that Satan is not bound, and it was after that date that Satan’s mighty organization was first recognized by God's faithful people. ‘4 Today there are many people on earth who have made a consecration to do God’s will who do not dis- cern Satan’s organization even now. Satan is the great enemy. His organization is made up of God’s enemies, and the scriptures heretofore sect forth show beyond any question of doubt that in God’s due time the enemy shall be destroyed,