Pagină:A-great-image-part-I-1930.djvu/14: Diferență între versiuni

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Versiunea de la data 23 martie 2020 18:32

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238 proper physical attitude showing his dependence upon Jchovah. His motive then in so doing is entircly un- selfish. He thus naturally assumes that attitude which best befits his relationship to God. If alone, he de- lights to bow down in silent prayer. If with his brethren, he will be glad to kneel with them in prayer, that all may show their dependence upon and devo- tion to God. If the company is large and one leads in prayer, it may be found to be to the best interests of all for the company to stand, in order that cach one may hear and follow what is expressed by the leader. It is the motive inducing the action that really counts. If one takes the extreme position that he will not bow down in prayer, and that he will not close his eyes in prayer, the chances are that his motive is self- ish; and if so, it is just as displeasing to the Lord as it is to follow the other extreme in formalism. If he is doing it for the purpose of attracting attention to himself, that he has put away all formalism, then his motive is selfish and is wrong. That Jesus taught his disciples to pray, there can- not be the slightest doubt. It is also certain that they often prayed together, (Acts 1:14; 6:4; 12:5; Eph. 6:18) That kneeling in prayer is proper is shown by the words of God’s prophet, ‘‘O come, let us wor- te WATCH TOWER Brook yn, N. Y, ship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.’’ (Ps. 95:6) Jesus kneeled down when he prayed, and it must have been done in the presence of his disciples, for them to know about it. (Luke 22:41) It is evident that the apostles followed the advice and teachings of Jesus, and deported them- selves accordingly in prayer. They kneeled down in prayer. (Acts 9:40) Paul assembled with members of the church at Ephesus for instructing them in the way that they should go, and prayed with them, knecl- ing. ‘‘And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all.’’—Acts 20: 36. On another oceasion Paul was with a company of men, women and children and they all kneeled down and prayed together. (Acts 21:5) It was proper then for the children as well as all others to knecl. That knecling in prayer was and is the proper attitude and one which the apostle followed, and which he taught the members of the church to follow, is further shown by his words, ‘‘For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.’’—Eph. 3:14. Let no one, therefore, be deccived or misled by the extremist. Follow the instruction of God’s Word, and let your motive in so doing always be pure, and the result will be pleasing to the Lord. N THAT DAY shall ye say, Praise Jehovah, proclaim his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name ts exalted. Sing unto Jehovah; for he hath done excellent things: this make known in all the carth. Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zton: for great ts the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee... . Ye that make mention of Jehovah, keep not silence.—TIsaiah, THE TRUTH IN JAPAN Tis Watch Tower readers will rejoice with our Japanese brethren that the truth is getting a good foothold in that land, and that a number are entering fully into the service of the Lord to magnify his name. The following Ietter from the Society’s representative will be read with interest. DeaR BroTrHER RUTHERFORD: Just returned from China-Korean trip. On this trip I visited brothers and sisters at Port Arthur, Seoul, Heijo and Jinsen. Mr, and Mrs, K. Tanno, of Port Arthur, got into the truth through The Harp, Deliverance and Japanese Watch Tower, also Golden Age. They symbolized their consecration on May 22, 1930. They have thirty acres of orchard. But they decided to sell the whole property to get into the colporteur service at once. They will work among Japanese in Manchuria. Mr. T. Terai, an engineer of Kyoto Electric Co, and his wife symbolized their consccration last February. He quit the job and entered into the colporteur service since May 15, His wife also has such a great joy in the service. They have four children; the eldest of them is only nine years old, Mr. and Mrs. K. Inouye, a blacksmith of Iikata, symbolized their consecration just a few months ago. On May 31 they quit the profession and gave away his fuetory to his employee. They are going to leave their native place for newly assigned territory to work as colporteurs, They have two small children, Mrs. N. Nishikawa, of Kumamoto, and her two daughters got the truth, and were baptized just three weeks ago. The younger daughter quit her school and now they have left their native place for another city to work as colporteurs. Miss Gokishuku, a Korean geisha girl (a slave), got the truth last year. She prayed the Lord to get into the colporteur service. The Lord answered her prayer and he miraculously rescued her from slave life when I was in Korea last month, Korean and Japanese friends gladly paid a part of her debt. The balance of the debt will be paid monthly. This is a quite unusual thing in Korean geisha life. But tho Lord used the ehief of police and another high official to make her free. Now she is very active in the service. Miss Kinairaku and Miss Joheijin, both Korean and former geisha girls, are very active in tho colporteur service, Lord bless them richly. In Ina, a small town of Nagano-ken, six Japanese left their church and they are studying the truth earnestly. This is the present condition here in Japan and Korea. You may see how ‘‘young men’? get understanding of the Lord’s ‘‘visions??’, Both Catholic and Protestant systems are entircly helpless against the ILB.S.A. now. More new ones are coming into the truth quick. Also, the ‘evil servant?’ class do something against the Lord’s anointed; but they are helpless too. We shipped paper mats of Government to Brooklyn, Please print 10,000 of them. Your fellow servant by his grace, J. A, AKASHL