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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 176 hands upon the head of the ram. And he killed it; and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about. And he cut the ram into pieces; and Moses burnt the head, and th...)
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Versiunea de la data 23 martie 2020 18:57

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176 hands upon the head of the ram. And he killed it; and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about. And he cut the ram into pieces; and Moses burnt the head, and the pieces, and the fat. And he washed the inwards and the legs in water; and Moses burnt the whole ram upon the altar: it was a burnt sacrifice for & sweet savour, and an offering made by fire unto the Lord ; as the Lord commanded Moses.’’—Lev. 8: 18-21. fhe WATCHTOWER. BrRooxiyry, N. Y, The burnt offering’s being ‘‘an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the Lord’’ seems to pic- ture the course of Jehovah’s anointed ones who make up the hundred and forty-four thousand and who share in the sufferings of Christ Jesus, the Head, which sufferings come upon them by reason of their faithful- ness as Jehovah’s witnesses in advertising the King. and his kingdom. LETTERS LORD IS USING PHONOGRAPH TO HIS PRAISE Dear BrorHeR RUTHERFORD: I feel I must write to tell you how much I appreciate the changes the Lord is now making in this country in order that his people may be better equipped for greater activity in this day of war against his enemies. With the coming of Brother Schroeder in our midst we have been much encouraged to press forward in this battle. As some have said, ‘‘we had got into a rut in this country’’; but by the Lord’s help and grace we are getting out of it and are now on the warpath in real united action against the forces of the enemy. It has been my happy privilege to be twenty-seven years in full-time service, but this is the best time of all; we have so many rich blessings from the hand of the Lord, it really seems impossible to enumerate them all. I especially thank him for Biches and Enemies and for the rich food he is providing for us through The Watchtower, particularly the recent artichs on Jeremiah and Jonah. I also desire to thank him for using you to make such wonderful provision for the pioneers in this country, the very best we have ever received; and this gracious provision should encourage many more in this land to enter full-time service in the ranks of the pioneers. Being in the special business house service I am unable to use the phonograph as much as those who are in the ordinary pioneer service; but I make use of it whenever possible u.d usually join the local company where I am working on Sundays in this particular service, and thoroughly enjoy the same. It is very evident the Lord is using this instrument to his praise and to the blessing of many people of good will. Before closing I would like to say how much I appreciate the change made at ‘‘Kingdom Hall’’, and I am sure you vill appreciate same when you visit England next time. Hoping it yi not be long before that happy event, and with much love, am Your brother in Jehovah’s service, ALFRED W. BOWLAND. MORE DETERMINED THAN EVER Dear BROTHER RUTHERFORD: We desire to acknowledge receipt of our new 1938 Year Book, and to thank the great Jehovah and his King, Christ Jesus, for this bountiful gift. As we read the details of the witness work carried on by our brethren in every part of the world under cruel persecution by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and their allies, we are more determined than ever to assault the hiding place of lies and fully expose the ‘‘old harlot’’ until she is naked, ashamed and disgraced. As pioncer witnesses in the front ranks of the battle of truth against lies we stand with you, shoulder to shoulder, until His enemies are made to lick the dust and the name of Jehovah God is fully and for ever vindicated. With warm Christian love, we are Your brethren and fellow witnesses, Anna M. CowDEN Laura KEILMAN HELEN MARGARET MILLER BILtt B. SAATHOFF JANIE CARTER Sr. A. Y. HAYES J. D. CARTER J. M, Norris H. 8. Rossins Mrs. J. M. Norris Mrs. Myrrie Rossins Cuas, J. SETTLEMEYER Magu A, RopBins Lypia D. JONSON Mrs, Martua McDonatp Lora HIxson Mave. K. Puatr JANE HEAGLIN OBEDIENT TO ORGANIZATION INSTRUCTIONS Dear BROTHER RUTHERFORD: After having been scattered in various parts of the East for the last eighteen months, we tho undersigned pioneers ure met together in Batavia, Java, for the purpose of discussing ways and means of better organizing the Lord’s service in these parts. We take this opportunity of unitedly sending to you our heartfelt greetings and assurance that we are ready and priv- ileged to follow the instructions of the two great Teachers and at the same time work shoulder to shoulder with you against the Devil and his forces to the honor of Jehovah. All are pleased with the recent progress of the Lord’s service in the Far East, and interest is now manifest in territory that had previously seemingly borne no fruit. Watchtower and Consolation are looked forward to with eagerness and the spiritual food concerning ‘‘ Understanding’’, ‘¢Evil Servant,’’ etc., was eagerly devoured. Golden Age re Salter was read with smiles; for there were many things con- cerning pioneers that Salter did not know. Even though the working conditions in these distant lands are at times very trying, the joy of the Lord is our strength and the pioneer spirit was never so manifest by the East Indies publishers as it is at present. Happy is he that getteth understanding. We are sure that the other pioneers in this territory working in Malaya, Siam, Indo-China, Sumatra and on the yacht ‘‘ Light- bearer’? would also like to be with us; we therefore send you greetings on their behalf. We assure you of our desire to always work in harmony with you and be obedient to organization instructions. May the Lord continue to bless you in your efforts as you seek to magnify the name of Jehovah. With much love in the Lord, Tan Pin Nio C. J. Hagris Haroup E. GILL C. A. DesenHaMp JEAN DESCHAMP —Java. ENLIGHTENED OF JEHOVAH Dear BrorHer RUTHERFORD: At the December studies at Bethel it has been our privilege and pleasure to study the first two articles of ‘‘His Work and His Act’’, and the attendances at the said meetings were 9, 9, 7, and 10. We esteem it a privilege to be amongst those who are en- lightened of Jehovah and are able to sce the importance of these prophecies and their lessons for us. When we consider the great- ness of our enemies and all the efforts which they are putting forward to destroy those who have faith in Jehovah, our pray- ers of gratitude arise tu the Lord for all the assurances and evidences of his watchcare. The witness which to our enemies appears so strange is to us the most reasonable thing, and it is surely inspiring to sce how, even down to the smallest details as to the manner and spirit in which the work shall be done, the Lord, in this proph- ecy of Jeremiah, has given us explicit instruction. Our desire is to faithfully use the opportunities which are ours to proclaim the praises of Jehovah. With warm love and best wishes, Your brethren in Jehovah’s service, Berne. Famny, Copenhagen,