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192 to turn all men away from Jchovah God, before God manifests his power over Satan and his organization. This period of time has also allowed for the birth of a sufficient number of human creatures to fill and en- She WATCHTOWER. Brooxuyn, N.Y. joy the earth when the kingdom of God is established over the earth and God’s name is vindicated and all the obedient ones of the human race are lifted to per- fection on a perfected earth. LETTERS GRATEFUL TO PARTICIPATE IN VINDICATION Dean Lroruer RUTHERFORD: Your Ietter of November 5 received, stating that the Bethel family had voluntarily made it possible to reduce the rates on the books and booklets to the pioneers. Immediately upon receipt of this letter the Chicago pionee camp votcd unanimously to express to you and the Bethel family its deep gratitude, believing this will assist ther in continuing in the field service, Tt will interest you to know that a check over a twelve-mont> period showed that the pioneer camp had placed 42,500 booklets and 7,500 buoks, a total of 50,000 pieces of hterature. We have enthusiastically read ‘An Open Letter to the Aasociated Press’? and have just received the instructions to pluce the three latest Golden Age throughout this Catholic stronghold of Chicago. We are most grateful to participate in the vindiention of Jehovah’s great nume under his Vindica- tor-King Chi:st Jesus. With much love we pray that Jehovah may continue to up- hold you and the Hethel family in the execution of his purposes. Your brethren in the King’s campaign, PIONcER CAMP At CHICAGO. RESOLVED TO WORK SHOULDER TO SHOULDER Ovr beak Beotuer RUTHERFORD: We, the company of Jehovah’s witnesses at Fullerton, Calif, want to express to you our hearty appreciation of your efforts to serve Jehovah, and to extend our fervent brotherly love to you at this tune, with an carnest desire to co-operate fully with you im every way that we can to make known to all the messane of the kingdom, to the honor and vindication of Jcho- vah’s naime, We believe your two broadcasts of February 23 will de a great work for the prisoners and that those talks were from Jehovah. By lis grace we, ag one, are resolved te work shoulder to shoulder with you, earnestly praying, as we know you do, ‘Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.’ Wo are grateful to Jehovah for the blessings we revetve through The Watchtower and the direction of the kingdoin work through tho Society. May our Father’s rich blessing continue with you as you boldly and clearly declare his purposes. With much love, Your fellow servants, B. E, Wouanver ANNE Marie Brown Rurn Wes BE. N. Brown Nota M. CAMPBELL Louisa (Mrs. C. J.) Rogers Ipa M. Beat Frinpa Grunp Mary EH. Luce ALMA BEINDLE Inexc B, Luxt Grace WHITE Crack W. Eipson Dora GILLET Ona 1. McWILLIAMS C. CG, INGRAIAM Martua BINGiaM Vivian L. E1aan Epwarp G. PAcnr ALCE J. GALE GL, McCWi.Liams Gurrrupy GILMAN Beurauw M. Waskinn Fannie Brown EpwarpD ILAMM Lrona Brown R. M. Ginter W. OR, Winrrey Nevin EB, Broun Louisa M, WAGNER Daviv O. Broun This includes one deaf, one blind, one invalid and several semi-invalids, and nine who claim to be Jonadabs, In arranging for sound ears in Fullerton, the clef of polue was very agrceable--said ‘Judge Rutheriord is best educated Bible lecturer there is’’, and he himself would lke to go in to Shrine Auditonum February 23, but 1a ‘fa servant of the people and may not be able to go in’’, Two sound cars were here. . In the little town of La Habra the mayor gave permission to uso @ vacant lot on Main street an town, and ‘hoped the peeple would listen’, BeoLan M, WAsKinn, Seeretuiy. SERVICE APPOINTMENTS T. E. BANKS St Joseph, La... July 3,4 Wabbaseka, Ark, ... July 17, 18 Monroe, La... “ 6.6 Tucker, Ark .. -" 19, 20 Parkdale, Arh. 2... 8,9 Redfield, Ark, .. 22,23 Lake Villaze, Ark, . 10, 11 Little Rock, Ark, ow 24,25 Gould, Ark... a 12,13 Saratoga, Ark. 26, 27 Ftaine, Ark... cece “15,16 Rusk, Tex... 29, 30 J.C. BOOTH Shawnee, Ohio ...... June 28,290 0 Gahon, Ohio .. 17 Crooksville, Olle... Crestime, Ohio. 18 Zanesville, Olno .. Mansheld, Ohio . 19,2 Cambridge, Olio Ashland, Ohio 2.0... 22, 23 Coshocton, Ohno .. Upper Sandushy, Ohio “ 24 Dresden, Ohio... Titha, Ota ww. 25, 26 Newark, Ohio... Fremont, Ohio .. 2.0 {28,29 Mt. Vernon, Ohio + Toledo, Ohio . . July 50-Aug. 4 Marion, Ohio ............ Montpeher, Ohio ...... AUg. 6 M. L. HERR Florence, JFL July } Columbia, 8. Cc. 18 amden, S.C ‘open, SCL. Chester, §.C “ 3,4 Charleston, S C. “ 18,19 Gaffney, S.C... “ 5 Bonneau, 8. C, “ 21° Spartanburg, § “ 7 Savannah, Ga «22,23 Anderson, &$.C. 8,9 Brooklet, Ga. « 24 Clinton, SC. 10) Collins, Ga “ 25 Greenwoud, S.C 11,12 Uvalda, Ga. “ 26 Abbeville, S.C... 1400 Midville. Ga. «28, 29 Batesvurg, 8. C. 15 0 Waynesboro, Ga “ 30° A. H. MACMILLAN Pittsburgh, Pa... July 3-5 Teeumsch, Mich, ........ Jury 23 Cleveland, Ohio . ane ft 7,8 Adrian, Mich... .“ 2t Toledo, Ohto .. ... a. 9,10 JHludson, Mich. a 25 Detroit, Mich. ... “41-14 0 Jackson, Mich. . 26, 27 Port Huron, Mich. “ 16,17 Jonesville, Mich, “ 29 Royal Oak, Mich. wu... 18,19 Coldwater, Mich... “ 3 Ann Arbor, Mich, ........ * 21,22 Battle Cr.. Mich. July 34, Aug 1 A. 8. WRIGHT Carbondale, ut. ao duly 13, Whiteash, IH, oe. 19 West Frankfort, HL’... 21 Mulkey town, JH... “ 22 Lousville, Ky, .. June 28-July 1 Tlizabethtown, Ky. ..July 3 Beaver Dam, Ky. ........ “ 4 5 7 Vordsville, Ky, ... .* Vanzant,’ Ky. .. a Swanwick, Il .. “ 23 Owensboro, Ky. a 8,9 Addieville, ™. “ 24 Sebree, Ky... .. a. i0 Centraha, DL. “ 25 Frovidence, Wy. we 12,12 Dix, TH we " 26 Paducah, Ky. ‘. we 14 Patoha, TLL. “ 23 Round Knob, Ji. wf 15 Bouleyille, TH, “ 290 Mouuds, IM, ... “ 16 Flora, Th... “ 30. Anna, TL .. 17 Cisne, I .. “ 31