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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: ~eWATCHTOWER 2 pe.os 5s $1.00 PuBLIS:ElED SEMIMONTHLY By WATCH TOWER BIBLE b TRACT SOCIETY 117 Adams Street Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S .A . OFFICERS N. n . KNORR, President Gl...)
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Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):
Linia 1: Linia 1:
2 pe.os
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S .A .
N. n . KNORR, President
GlUNT SUITER, Secretary
"And All thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." • JUlian 54:T,J.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, from everlasting to
everlastlng, and Is the Maker of hpaven and earth and Giver of
life to his creatures; that the Word or Logos was the beginning
of his creation and his active agent in creating all other things;
and that the creature Lucifer rebelled against Jehovah and raised
the Issue of HIs universal sovereignty;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, made perfect man for
the earth and placed him upon It; that man yielded to unfaithful
Lucifer, or Satan, and wlllfully dlsobe~'ed God's iaw and was
sentenced to death; that by reaSOD of Adam's wrong act all men
are born sinners and without the right to llfe;
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and suf·
fered death In order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient men; that God raised up Christ Jesus divine and exalted
him to heaven above every other creature and clothed him With all
power and authority as head of God's new capital organizatlon;
Zion, Elnd that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rlghtfui King of the new world; that the faithful anointed
followers of Christ Jesus are Zion's children, members of Jehovuh's
organization, and are His witnesses whose duty and privilege it
is to testify to Jehovah's supremacy and declare his purposes
toward llianklnd as expressed in the Bible;
THA.T THE OLD WORLD, or Satan's uninterrupted rule, ended
A.D. 1914, and Christ Jesus has been placed by Jehovah upon the
throne, has ousted Satan from heaven, and now proceeds to
vindicate His name and establish the "new earth";
THAT THE RELIEF and blesslDgs of the peoples can come only
by Jeho'ah's kingdom under Christ, which has begun; that His
next great act is to destroy Satan's organization and establish
righteousness completel3' in the earth; and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-wlll surviving Armageddon wll1 carry out the
divine mandate to "fill the earth" with righteous offspring, anll
that the human dead in the graves will be raIsed to opportunities
of life on earth.
The best way to contend and put up a defense for something
is to advance it. That is what Jehovah's witnesses will do WIth
the faith of God's kingdom during June. Appropriately tillS month
has been termed "Contending for the Faith" Testimony Period,
and the aggreSSIve weapons to be specially used from house to
house and on all suitable <>ccasions will be the three latest bound
books published by the Watchtower Society together with the
booklet The Kingdom Hope of All :Mankind. This combination
will be offered the people as a special combination on a contribu-
tion of $1.00, American money, The worsening world situation,
with the hosts of atheism, disbelief and immorality steadily making
greater inroads, calls for our unceasing !Lnd courageous conten-
tion for the faith once for all deli"ered to the saints. We who
have it should help others get it and become able to contend for
it and put the enemy to flight. Watchtower readers, will you join
us in tliis during June' Communicate now wlth us if you need
instructions and references to be able to be at the side of other
faithful warriors contending shoulder to shoulder. A report' Yes,
we are interested to have ;you submit one showing the good fight
you have put up.
Week of June 5: "Woman,"
'f 1-19 inclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1949.
Week of June 12: "Woman's Place in the Congregation,"
'f 1-16 inclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1949.
Week of June 19 : "Woman's Place in the Congregation,"
~ 17-33 inclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1949.
THIS journal Is published for the purpose of enabltng the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses and all people of good-wllL
It arranges systematic Bible study tor its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studlel!. It publlshes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority tor its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
other worldly organizations. It is wbolly and without reservation
for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King,
It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not Indulge
in controversy, and its colullins are not open to personalities.
Notice to SlIll.Grill",..: Rem~ttancu shOUld be aent to ollies In your
country In compliance 'WIth regulations to guarantee efe dell'er)' of
moner. Remittances are accepted at Brooklyn from countries wbere no
olllce Is located, by International money order only. Subscription rate. In
different countries are stated below In loeal currency. Notice 01 erph atlo"
(With renewal blank) la sent at least two Isaues before aubscrlptlon
expires. Change 0/ addre.. when sent to our olllee may be expected
etreetlve within one month. Send your old as well u new address.
Please address the Watch Tower Society In every ease.
Yearly Subscription Rate
AmerICa (U.S.), 117 Adams St., Brooklyn I, N.Y .
'1 .00
Australia, 11 Beret!ford Rd., Strathlleld, N .S.W.
BrUlsh We,t [ndlu, 21 Taylor St., Woodbrook, Port of Spaln, Trinidad $1.25
Burma, 39 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon
Canada, 40 Irwin Ave., Toronto 5, Ontario
England, 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2
India, 167 Love Lane, Bombay 27
Rs. 3/8
Jamaica, 151 King St., KIngston
New/oundland, Post Box 521, St. John's
New Zealand, G. P.O . Box 30, Wellington, C. 1
Nigena, West A/rica, P.O . Box 695, Lagos
Phlllppine Repllbllc, 104 Roosevelt Road,
San Francisco del Monte, Quezon etty
South A/nco, 623 Boston House, Cape Town
T. Batea'l, 1228 Pen.acola St., Honolulu 14
Translations ot tb18 journal appear In many languaies.
firmlty, poyerty or adversity are unable to pay the subscnptlon prJce may
haye The WatchtolOer free upon written application to the publishers,
made once each year, statlUg the reason for so requesting It.  e are
glad to thus aid the needy, but Ithe written application onCe each rear
Is required by the postal regulations.
Printed In the United States ot America
Enterect a.!
. ec ond·clas, maHer at the POBt olflce at Brookllln, N. Y.,
under the A.ct 01 March S, 1879.
The Watchtower magazine takes great pleasure In announcing
that the 1950 International Convention of Jehovah's WItnesses
will be held in New York city beginning Sunday, July 30, 1950.
The convention will be of eight days' duration, ending Sunday,
August 6, 1950. A cordial invitation is extended to the lV atchtower
readers in every nation and to all of Jehovah's witnesses through·
out the world to come to this Christian assembly. Early announce-
ment is made now so that all persons of good.will can begin
making plans to be in New York city on these dates. Those
coming from foreign countries will have to book passage on
airlines and steamships well in advance because usually there is
heavy traffic at that season of the year. Such will also require
visas, and it is suggested that they contact the local Branch offices
of the Watch Tower Society for information or assistance in thiS
regard. The Society wishes to help everyone in tws way If he
wishes to attend the convention.
By the Lord's grace, this assembly of Jehovah's witnesses ~ll
be outstanding. Arrangements will be made to have representatives
come from most of the Society's Branch offices.
Probably many persons from foreign lands will want to travel
in parties, and it would be well for anyone coming to the conven-
tion from other countries to notify the Branch office If he wishes
to travel in company with other delegates from his own country.
Parties can be arranged and probably the accommodations will be
obtainable from the same transportation company. Now IS the
(Continued on page 144)

Versiunea curentă din 17 mai 2022 10:33

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