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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: Jtnc 15, 1956 who is Edom.’’ (Gen. 36:1) The name means ‘‘red”’ and is a reminder of Esau’s failure to appreciate God’s favor toward him concerning the Abrahamie...)
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Jtnc 15, 1956
„Esau, adică Edom” (Geneza 36:1). Acest nume înseamnă „roș” și amintește lipsa de apreciere a lui Esau pentru harul lui Dumnezeu față de el în legătură cu dreptul de naștere avraamic pe care Esau l-a vândut pentru prețul mizerabil a unei farfurii cu ciorbă de linte pentru ca să-și satisfacă apetitul său egoist: „Și Esau a zis lui Iacov: ‘Dă-mi, te rog, să mănânc din ciorba aceasta roșiatică, fiindcă sunt rupt de oboseală'. Pentru aceasta s-a dat lui Esau numele Edom (Roș).(Geneza 25:30). În această profeție a lui Obadia numele Edom trebuie să se aplice mai întâi firește, asupra urmașilor lui Esau și la țara locuită de ei, și apoi, în împlinirea profeției, el se aplică unui popor care a avut odată dreptul de a moșteni dreptul de naștere a lui Avraam.}}
who is Edom.’’ (Gen. 36:1) The name means ‘‘red”’
and is a reminder of Esau’s failure to appreciate
God’s favor toward him concerning the Abrahamie
birthright, which Esau sold for the paltry sum of a
mess of pottage, that his selfish appctite might be
appeased, ‘‘And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray
thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint:
therefore was his name called dom [that is to say,
ted (margin)].’’? (Gen. 25:30) In this prophecy of
Obadiah the term Edom must of necessity apply first
to the offspring of Esau, together with the country or
place which they inhabited, and in fulfillment thereof
to a people onec in line for the Abrahamic birthright.
31 Unlike Jacob’s deseendants, the offspring of Esau  
or Edom was not pure Semitie stock, for the reason
that Esau married outside of Abraham’s family rela-  
tion. Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan,
the cursed one. (Cleon. 9:25) ‘Esau took his wives of
the dauehters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of Klon
the Hittite, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah,
the daughter of Aibeon the Hivite; and Bashemath,
Jshmael’s daughter, sister of Nebajoth.’? (Gen,
26:2,3) Ishimacl was a son of Abraham by Jlaear,
an Heyptian woman, and was therefore a descendant
of Ham. (Gen. 16:1) Ishmacl’s daughter Bashemath
was one of the wives of Hsau. ‘And Ishmael too’ his
wife out of the land of Egypt.’ (Cien. 21:21) All of
Esan’s children were of a mixed blood, and therefore
all Edomites were children of an improper union of
Esau with Hamitie women. Jt was therefore impossi-  
ble for the Edomites to be God’s holy nation, sau
was a brother of Jacob, a grandson of Abraham, ‘The
father and mother of Jacob and Hsau were Isaae and
Rebeeea. Esau was the firstborn and apparently had
the first claim to the Abrahamie birthright, but it was
the will of God that it shovld be otherwise. (Cen.
22:18; 25; 23-26) The deseendants of Esau, that is,
the Edomites, must therefore represent a class of per-
vons who are apparently the firstborn and in line for
the kingdom.
22 The following definition is published in the book
Government, page 283: “The name Edom represents
that which is opposed to the Lord. It has the same
meaning as ‘sau’, and therefore refers to the organi-  
zation of Satan, tue most reprehensible element of
which is ecelesiasticism.’’? Here enlarging upon that
definition, that it may be made more spceifie, it is
stated that Esau or Edom more specifically stands for
and represents that class of men who have organized
and earried on religion in the name of God and Christ,
but who in truth and in fact have been and are the
representatives of the Devil, and henee a part of the
Devil's organization. That clearly shows that anti-  
typical Edomites are made up of the Roman Catholie
Hicrarchy and their clergy allies who have used the
Word of God for a selfish purpose. The miniature or
first fulfillment of this part of the prophecy of Obadiah
was in the clergy of the time when Jesus was on the
earth. The priests and Pharisees of that time claimed
to be children of Abraham, and hence in line for the
kingdom blissings that were promised to Abraham,
but Jesus told them that they were the sons of the
Devil. (John 8:18, 37-44) Those hypocritical men
were the ones who rejected the Stone, Christ Jesus,
upon which God has builded his church, and to whom
Christ Jesus said: ‘‘Thercefore say I unto you, The
kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given
to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And
whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken ; but
on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to
powder, And when the chief priests and Pharisces
had heard his parables, they perecived that he spake
of them.’’ (Matt. 21:43-45) The counterpart of the
priests and Pharisees of that day are the clergy of the
present time, and particularly the Roman Catholic
23 dom, the offspring of Esau, therefore clearly
stands for the ofiicial religious representatives of the
Devil, to wit, the Roman Catholie Ifierarchy and their
allies, the other clergy, Today Protestantism is dead;
which was pictured by the young lion slain by Samson.
Those clergymen who organized and carried on the
so-called ‘‘Protestant religion’? are joined togethcr
with the Roman Catholic Uierarchy ; and it has been
true since the World War, at which time and sinee
this combined erowd has soueht the death of the true
followers of Christ Jesus. The clergy of the Catholic
and so-called ‘‘Protestant’’ organizations are vigorous-
ly working together at this dav to destroy the true
followers of the Lord. As the Edomites sought to hill
Jesus when he was on the earth (John 8: 87-44), so
the modern-day Mdomites seek to bring about the
death of the members of Christ now on the carth, and
therefore they ‘thus do unto the Lord Jesus himself’
in this day ; and beeause these are his faithful followers
he counts them as a part of himself. While this article
is being prepared the clergy of the Roman Catholic
Hicrarehy, and the so-called ‘‘Protestant’’ clergy, are
attempting to frame mischief by law by causing bills
to be introduced in the New Jersecy Legislature, and
in other state legislatures, making it a crime for any-
one to refuse to salute the flag or ‘to write or publish
anything setting forth the reason why a Christian
cannot salute a flag and thereby attribute salvation
to men, Otherwise stated, the clergy seek the de-
struction of Jehovah’s witnesses beeause they insist
that a true follower of Christ Jesus must obey God
rather than men. (Acts 5:29) The elergy are the
antitypical Edomites and are the most deceptive and
reprehensible part of Satan's visible organization,
24 The Abrahamie birthright privileces were claimed
by the clergy because they have ulways claimed to be
the ones favored of God. Jehovah foreknew that they
would be unfaithful and would fall away completely
to the Devil, and therefore he foretold such in this
prophecy concerning the Edomites. The Abrahamic

Versiunea de la data 13 iunie 2020 15:45

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„Esau, adică Edom” (Geneza 36:1). Acest nume înseamnă „roș” și amintește lipsa de apreciere a lui Esau pentru harul lui Dumnezeu față de el în legătură cu dreptul de naștere avraamic pe care Esau l-a vândut pentru prețul mizerabil a unei farfurii cu ciorbă de linte pentru ca să-și satisfacă apetitul său egoist: „Și Esau a zis lui Iacov: ‘Dă-mi, te rog, să mănânc din ciorba aceasta roșiatică, fiindcă sunt rupt de oboseală'. Pentru aceasta s-a dat lui Esau numele Edom (Roș).” (Geneza 25:30). În această profeție a lui Obadia numele Edom trebuie să se aplice mai întâi firește, asupra urmașilor lui Esau și la țara locuită de ei, și apoi, în împlinirea profeției, el se aplică unui popor care a avut odată dreptul de a moșteni dreptul de naștere a lui Avraam.}}