Pagină:Obadiah-part-I-1936.djvu/9: Diferență între versiuni

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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: JUNE 15, 1986 hovah by Christ Jesus and his army will completely annihilate all of the enemy. When Jchovah says here, ‘Arise ye,’’ it means to battle ‘‘against her’...)
(Pagină înlocuită cu „Iehova va distruge cu totul prin Cristos Isus și oștile sale pe toți dușmanii. Când zice Iehova aici: „Să ne sculăm”, înseamnă, la război „împotriva...”)
(Etichetă: Înlocuit)
Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):
Linia 1: Linia 1:
JUNE 15, 1986
Iehova va distruge cu totul prin Cristos Isus și oștile sale pe toți dușmanii. Când zice Iehova aici: „Să ne sculăm”, înseamnă, la război „împotriva lui”, adică împotriva dușmanului. Războiul amintit aici este în timpul prezent în curs și este războiul adevărului împotriva minciunilor fortificate. Este o bătălie între martorii lui Iehova pe deoparte, și religioniștii fățarnici, în special ierarhia romano-catolică, pe de altă parte, și această luptă are loc tocmai înaintea „războiului zilei celei mari a Dumnezeului celui Atotputernic”.}}
hovah by Christ Jesus and his army will completely
annihilate all of the enemy. When Jchovah says here,
‘Arise ye,’’ it means to battle ‘‘against her’’, the
enemy. This battle spoken of is now in progress, and
is a battle of truth against entrenched lics. It is a
battle between Jchovah’s witnesses on one side and
hypoeritical rcligionists, particularly the Roman Cath-
olie Hierarchy, on the other, and takes place just pre-
ecding and preliminary to ‘‘the battle of that great
day of God Almighty’’.
5° Note now the corroborative proof given by the
prophet: ‘And I will lay my vengcance upon Edom
by the hand of my ‘people Israel [spiritual Israel ;
Jehovah’s faithful witnesses]: and they [Jchovah’s
witnesses] shall do in Edom according to mine anger,  
and according to my fury; and they [the Edomites]
shall know my vengeance, saith the Lord God.”? (Mack.
25:14) In further corroborative proof sce verse 18 of
Obadiah’s propheey. It is the Edomites, the religion-
ists, and particularly the Roman Catholic Hicrarchy,
that now make war upon dehovah’s witnesses, and
this they do under the command of the ficld marshal
of Satan. Jchovah’s witnesses must fight with the
sword of the spirit, that is, the Word of Cod, firmly
and boldly declaring the truth which exposes and un-
covers the hiding place of the Hes of the modern
81°We should expect the Devil to use every subtle
means at his command to lull God’s anointed ones to
slecp and to cause them to cease their fighting; but
the true and faithful will not be deceived and lulled to
sleep, Jesus says that the Devil and his agents ‘‘shall
shew si¢ns and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible,
even the eleet’’, (Mark 13:22; Matt. 24:24) To seduce
mneans to turn one away froin the right path into the
way of Satan the evil one, and doing violence to God’s
people. The Devil would use some now to induec Je-
hovah’s witnesses to believe that they should slack up
their work and not expect to do anything particularly
important until after Armageddon. To influence or
induee one to take such a course is seducing or turn-
ing one aside from the rignt way. But the Lord shows
that it is not possible to deecive the very clect. (Matt.
24:24) Those who are fully devoted to the Lord will
refuse to be influenced or sedueed by such efforts to
keep them quiet. They will be on the alert at all times
and resent any and all subtle influence of the Devil,  
which may appear to be put forward by him through
any ereature, whether that ercature claims to he con-  
secratcd to the Lord or not. God has eommanded his
people to ‘‘rise up against her in battle’? now, By
his prophet Iizckicl he commands his anoimted ones,  
“the man elothed with linen’’, saying, ‘Take fire
from between the wheels, from between the cheru-
bims; . .. And he spake unto the man clothed with
linen, and said, Go in between the wheels, even under
the cherub, and fill thine hand with coals of fire from
between the cherubims, and seatter them over the
city. And he went in in my sight. And one cherub
stretched forth his hand from between the cherubims
unto the fire that was between the cheruhims, and tock
thereof, and put it [fire] into the hands of him that
was clothcd with linen; who took it, and went out.’’
—Ezek. 10: 6, 2,7.
82 Such work by the anointed is doing the ‘slaying’
part of the Elisha work, which he was anointed to
perform. The Lord graciously revealed this matter and
caused it to be published in Vindication, Book One,
page 116 e¢ seqg., and that no doubt for the instruction
and guidance of his anointed, that they might be fully
equipped and furnished for all good work. Yet it ap-
pears that some who should have learned what is pub-
lished, and should be performing these dutics as God
has commanded, instead have been seduced, and by
some wrongful influcnee, and are interfering with the
work and endeavoring to make the anointed belicve
that their chief work is to be done after Armageddon.
The eleet will not be deccived or seduced. These faith-
ful anointed ones will not slack the hand in this day
of war, but with the zeal peculiar to the Lord's house
they will continue to press the battle against the
enemy. The remnant will not engage in the destructive
work at Armageddon. The part performed by the
remnant is to proclaim the message by the Lord as he
has commissioned and commanded them to do. The
Lord Jesus Christ and his heavenly host will do the
slaushtcr work, That is made clear by many prophetie
statements.—2 Chron, 20: 16-22; Hzck. 9: 4-6.
33-The remnant have a work to do now before the
destructive work of Armageddon begins, and which
work they must complete before that destructive work
does begin, (Matt. 24: 14,21) From the time Jehovah
put his name upon his anointed ones, giving to them
the ‘‘new name’’, he commissioned and sent them forth
to perform their part by declaring the day of his
vengeanee. As they go forth to the nations bearing
testimony to the name of Jchovah, the Most Tigh says
to them: ‘Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the
hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of
thy God.’’—Jsa. 62: 2, 3.
84 Jehovah exhibits his anointed witnesses before the
Esau crowd and thus shows his favor to his witnesses ;
and because he puts his favor upon them the fire of
the enemy is drawn against Jchovah’s witnesses and
the battle goes on. The enemies of God, particularly
the religionists, are designated under the name of
“sau’’, “Edom,” ‘‘Ephraim,’’ ‘Philistines,’’ ete.
All such refer to the Roman Catholic Hicrarehy and
their allies. Concerning sueh enemics Jehovah says:
“Woe to the erown of pride, to the drunkards of
Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower,
which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that
are overcome with wine!’ (Isa. 28:1) The enemy,
the religionists, are drunken with satanie wine; and
such, in their maudlin, drunken state, go forth, mak-
ing war against the remnant because the remnant

Versiunea de la data 13 iunie 2020 17:08

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Iehova va distruge cu totul prin Cristos Isus și oștile sale pe toți dușmanii. Când zice Iehova aici: „Să ne sculăm”, înseamnă, la război „împotriva lui”, adică împotriva dușmanului. Războiul amintit aici este în timpul prezent în curs și este războiul adevărului împotriva minciunilor fortificate. Este o bătălie între martorii lui Iehova pe deoparte, și religioniștii fățarnici, în special ierarhia romano-catolică, pe de altă parte, și această luptă are loc tocmai înaintea „războiului zilei celei mari a Dumnezeului celui Atotputernic”.}}