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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: OTHER LETTERS THE LORD'S WORK, NOT MAN'S DEAR BROTHER RUTUERFORD: I feel that I must express my appreciation of the articles in The Watch Tower. 1 have just finished reading Pa...)
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Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):
Linia 1: Linia 1:
I feel that I must express my appreciation of the articles
in The Watch Tower. 1 have just finished reading Part 2 of
‘¢Peace and Evil’’. It seems so clear that it is a wonder
that it never struck us in this way before; but, of course,
it was not ‘‘due time’’, We might ask, What benefit did the
Israelites derive from their experiences in Egypt? The Bible
tells us that they even wanted to return to the land of bond-
age. (Ex. 16:3) They soon forgot what they had suffered
there, but the ‘‘flesh pota’’ lingered lovingly in their minds.
Human nature has not changed; even now we still remember
the sweet and forget the bitter. It may be that at the begin-
ning of the Millennial age many people will resent the strict
laws that will then be in foree, and inwardly, if not out-
wardly, rebel and long for some imaginary privilege that they
had during this age. Although they will have to acknowledge
Jehovah, yet it may take some time before they learn that
these laws will be for their good. Under these circumstances
what benefit would they receive by their past experiences?
If experience counts, then we might say that a man now bad
ought to have a better chance in the future than one who had
tried to do good, as he will have had more experience with sin.
The Watch Tower, like wine, is improving with age. Every
number is overflowing with beautiful explanations of the
Bible. It is quite clear that it is the Lord’s work, and nob
man’s, When I look back I ean compare The Watch Tower
to an artist painting a portrait. At first only an outline is
seen, a beautiful and true copy of the original, and one to
which we were attracted, although only an outline, to its
beauty and grandeur, But the artist docs not stop there, Ho
pencils out the high lights and shadows, the face is rounded
out, color is added, and the picture, now more beautiful than
ever, begins to show expression and detail, while the original
outline has in no way been changed. So it is with The Watch
Tower: the fundamental truths taught through its pages have
always been the same, but God’s lightnings are now opening
out to us the beauty and harmony of tho Scriptures as nover
before. My prayer is that the Lord will continue to use you
and all associated with you at the Watch Tower in this
glorious work,
Your brother in Christ,
C. M. U. Capy.
Your lectures received each Sunday over WOWO, Fort
Wayne, Ind.
I write this to add a bit of encouragement to your ondcavors
to put the message of Truth over to the people, a3 a faithful
witness to the Lord, and as an example and encouragement to
those whose hands may become slack at this timo of triuno
oppression, namely, Clergy, Politics and Industry.
Your denunciations are clear and fearlesa, and your words
of life timely and inspiring. Truly they must and do find
lodging in the hearts of many people.
I pray for the Lord’s grace upon you and all of liko faith,
to stand firm in these closing days of Satan’s activities and
persecution of the followers of Christ.
Yours in Christ’s name,
C. R, Hevrer, Michigan.
The friends at Decatur all heard Brother Rutherford’s
lecture yesterday; and truly it was a soul-inspiring message
to the Lord’s people at this time, and for their comfort and
encouragement to continue on in the servico of the Lord.
We all entered the field after the lecture, and all had an
enjoyable time preaching this gospel of the kingdom until
we were rained out. Truly it is a great privilege to serve in
the cause of Jehovah God and have favor with him through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
With Christian love,
A. A. Guipbera, Ilsnois.
Sir: Being very full and running over from tho increased
light, joy and encouragement, and the renewed zeal that I
have received from reading your Iust und wonderful book,
Prophecy, please bear with me and allow me to speak. It is
the most wonderful, clearest, brightest of the Biblical studies.
Why, no wonder that Satan is hot and ever getting still hotter,
so to speak. The book Prophecy turns him and his crooked or-
ganization up. He is the father of crooks and crookedness.
Prophecy has turned more light on him and his crooked or-
ganization; and the light gets brighter and brighter.
I’ve gone through the wonderful book, and do mean to re-
view it daily, as much as possible, with the other studies, of
course. From the strength and help I have received from this
volume my mind was made to fall upon the hymn of which I
send you herewith a copy.
Your brother by his grace,
* * *
Maitland, C.M.
Each moment, Lord, more grace give me
To witness to thy name,
To keop my mind e’er stayed on thee,
T> boldly speak thy fame.
Time is no more, The way seems hard.
Please be thou still my guide;
Ne’er doubting, help me press onward,
By thine help “lone supplied.
While witnessing now here below
Satan, a roaring lion,
I sce each day a deadly foe,
With all his sharp design.
Endure the test! Thus can be proved
My faithfulness to God;
If from his way I’! not be moved,
But strive each day more hard.
At the business meoting of the Seattle ecclesia, held Mon-
day evening, April 14, 1930, the following resolution was
presented and unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the Seattle ecclesia assure our beloved presi-
dent, Brother Rutherford, that they deplore the bitter attack
made upon him at the question meeting held in Los Angeles,
Calif., on February 23, and fully sympathize with him in all
his efforts to serve Jehovah, our God and our King; and
that we, in view of the strong assaults of the enemy at this
time and the falling away of many who for years in the past
have walked with us, do by letter assure him of our firm be-
lief that The Watch Tower is the channel which Jehovah, our
God, is using at this time to imstruct the faithful remnant
who are keeping the commandments of God and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ, and we, therefore, very thankfully
accept the teachings of that journal and are earnestly en-
deavoring to carry on the Lord’s work in full accord there-
And be it further resolved, That we assure Brother Ruther-
ford we have full confidence in him as a loyal and diligent
sorvant of our King, and an instrument used of Jehovah to
dispense meat in due season to his household; and recognizing
in our beloved brother one such as is spoken of in 1 Thessa-
lonians 5: 12,13 and Hebrews 13:17, we esteem him very
highly in love for his work’s sake, and our prayers will still
ascend that it may be the good pleasure of our God to keep
and guide liim to the end.
Resolved, That our class secretary forward a copy of this
resolution to Brother Rutherford.
Your brother by his grace,
{. Forsyti, Secretary,

Versiunea curentă din 8 septembrie 2020 19:29

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