Pagină:Organization-part-II-1938.djvu/4: Diferență între versiuni

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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 180 peace, and thy overseers [episkopous] in righteous- ness.’’ (Septuagint) ‘‘For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver; and for wood brass, and fo...)
(Pagină înlocuită cu „{{raw:data:ai|3|180|TURNUL DE VEGHERE|BROOKLYN, N. Y.}} {{raw:data:c | {{raw:data:p|c|„Pentru aramă voi aduce aur, iar pentru fier voi aduce argint; iar pentru le...”)
(Etichetă: Înlocuit)
Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):
Linia 1: Linia 1:
{{raw:data:ai|3|180|TURNUL DE VEGHERE|BROOKLYN, N. Y.}}
peace, and thy overseers [episkopous] in righteous-
ness.’’ (Septuagint) ‘‘For brass I will bring gold, and
for iron I will bring silver; and for wood brass,
| {{raw:data:p|c|„Pentru aramă voi aduce aur, iar pentru fier voi aduce argint; iar pentru lemn aramă, și pentru pietre, fier; și voi face pacea inspecția ta, iar dreptatea supraveghetorii tăi.(''Douay'') „În loc de bronz voi aduce aur, în loc de fier voi aduce argint, în loc de lemn, bronz și în loc de pietre, fier. Voi numi supravegherea peste tine pentru prosperitate și împărțirea sarcinilor tale pentru dreptate.(''Rotherham'')}}
and for stones iron: and I will make thy visitation
peace, and thy overseers justice.’’ (Douay) ‘‘Instead
of bronze I will bring in gold; and instead of iron
I will bring in silver, and instead of wood, bronze;
and instead of stones, iron, and I will appoint the
oversight of thee to prosperity, and the setting of
thy tasks to righteousness.’’—Rotherham.
In the foregoing prophecy at Isaiah 60:17 the
word ‘‘officers’’ (the Authorized Version) is trans-
lated from the Hebrew word phakad, meaning ‘‘to
superintend, oversee’’. The same Hebrew word phakad
is translated in other texts of the Greek Septuagint
Version by the Greek word ‘‘episkupos’’: Numbers
4:16; 31:14; Judges 9:28; 2 Kings 11:15, 18;  
2 Chronicles 34: 12,17. The word in the Authorized
Version rendered ‘‘exactors’’ is translated from the
Hebrew word ‘‘nahgas’’, meaning ‘‘to urge, impel,
drive’’; and hence the noun ‘‘taskmaster’’, the same
as rendered in some other English translations. In
the Greek Septuagint Version the same word is ren-
dered episkopos, or overseer or superintendent. The
Seriptures disclose that all the apostles were overseers.  
The meaning of the word episkopos is indicated by the
following texts : ‘‘Take heed therefore unto yourselves,
and to all the flock, over the which the holy [spirit]
hath made you overseers [(Greek) episkopous], to
feed the church of God, which he hath purchased
with his own blood.’’ (Acts 20:28) ‘‘For ye were
as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto
the Shepherd and Bishop [(Greek) episkopos; Over-
seer (A.R.V., margin) ] of your souls.’’ (1 Pet. 2: 25)
(See also 1 Peter 5:1,2.) The prophecy of Isaiah
and other scriptures, therefore, show that in God’s
due time he would bring about a condition with ref-
erence to the service and servants in the church, show-
ing the faithful more clearly their own relationship
to the Lord and their proper duties and obligations.
* For a long while there was more or less strife,
contention and lack of peace and harmony among
the professed people of God ; in some companies, much
More, and in some, less. When Christ Jesus came to
the temple and the faithful were gathered to him,
all then are at unity in Christ (Eph. 4:13, 15), and
therefore a better condition must be brought in. Where
there is unity, there of necessity must be peace. So
in the prophecy Jehovah says: ‘‘I will... make thy
officers [overscers] peace.’’? That must mean that the
time comes when there is peace in the organization
of the Lord all over the earth. God commands that
it shall be so, and therefore it is his will that peace
must exist. That means that unity and harmony ex-
ist amongst those of the temple company. There is
unity and harmony in action in the organization, in
the field service, in the methods of study, in the as-
semblies together, and in all activity, and there must
no longer be strife, clashes and boycotts, or any such
thing, which existed in times past when the ‘‘elective
elders and deacons’’ held titled offices and ruled arro-
gantly. Those who are in the temple will appreciate
this situation and, knowing the responsibility upon
them, will diligently put forth their best endeavors
to walk humbly with God.
® The prophecy clearly indicates a change, therefore,
for the better, in this: as gold is better than bronze,
silver better than iron, bronze better than wood, iron
better than stone, even so by comparison and contrast
a better condition is brought about because, the Lord
Jehovah, by this prophecy, says, ‘‘I will appoint the
oversight of thee to Prosperity,’’ ‘‘setting of thy tasks
to righteousness,’’ ‘‘thine exactors [(A.2.V., margin)  
thy taskmasters] righteousness.’’ In harmony with this
the Lord puts in the mouth of the consecrated the
prayer applying particularly to the ‘‘day of Jeho-
vah’’, when the Lord comes to the temple, and the
temple company pray: ‘‘O Lord, I beseech thee, send
now prosperity.’’ (Ps, 118: 24,25) Prosperity must
be accompanied by peace and harmony. The prophecy,
therefore, of necessity must mean that those assigned
to service in the companies or organizations are com-
mitted to peace and that they pray for it and work
for it and maintain it. (Psalm 122) It is made cer-
tain that those in line for the kingdom who do not
strive to maintain peace and to work in harmony to
the advancement of the kingdom interest, the angels
of the Lord will gather out and cast into darkness.
(Matt. 13:41) It is no time for any controversies or
strife in God’s organization, but all must be at com-
plete unity.
7 Furthermore says the Lord in the prophecy: ‘‘I
will ... make... thine exactors righteousness.”’
(A.R.V.) ‘Thine exactors’’ (see different translations
as above) means (Greek) episkopous, overseers, task-  
masters, drivers or progressive ones, and who push
the war against the enemy, and that all shall be serv-
ants of righteousness. Surely this must mean that
righteousness shall be the urging, driving, impelling
force in the Lord’s organization now on the earth,
and this particularly so since the cleansing of the
sanctuary in 1932, ‘‘Righteousness’’ would therefore
mean that there could be no more oppression such as
practiced by the ‘‘elective elder’’ bosses, who feel and
manifest their importance and browbeat others. There
must be no more misguided efforts in wrong direc-
tions, such as character development, kowtowing to
the would-be higher powers of the world, adulation
of individuals or creatures, and therefore ‘no longer
the rod of the wicked resting on [and ruling over]
the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth
their hand unto iniquity’—Ps. 125: 3.

Versiunea de la data 5 noiembrie 2020 19:13

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„Pentru aramă voi aduce aur, iar pentru fier voi aduce argint; iar pentru lemn aramă, și pentru pietre, fier; și voi face pacea inspecția ta, iar dreptatea supraveghetorii tăi.” (Douay) „În loc de bronz voi aduce aur, în loc de fier voi aduce argint, în loc de lemn, bronz și în loc de pietre, fier. Voi numi supravegherea peste tine pentru prosperitate și împărțirea sarcinilor tale pentru dreptate.” (Rotherham)
4 3-4