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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: Ghe WATCHTOWER AND HERALD OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE Vou. LV Fesruary 15, 1934 No. 4 TREE OF HOPE “And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots; thy kingdom sh...)
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Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):
Linia 1: Linia 1:
{{raw:data:wth-ro-01|ȘI VESTITORUL PREZENȚEI LUI CRISTOS|Vol. LV|15 FEBRUARIE, 1934|Nr.4|COPACUL SPERANȚEI|{{raw:data:m|15|0|}}|„Și pentru că ei au poruncit să lase butucul copacului cu rădăcinile lui; regatul tău va fi sigur al tău, după ce vei fi știut că cerurile conduc” — Daniel 4:26.}}
Vou. LV  
Fesruary 15, 1934  
No. 4
“And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots; thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee,
after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule.’’—Daniel 4: 26.
EHOVAIL’S name shall be vindicated. That is
the all-important truth. Te has made Christ
Jesus his Vindicator and made him to be the
ruler over his kingdom, and by and through his king-
dom he will make known to all creation that he, Je-
hovah, is supreme and that besides him there is none.
It is by and through the King and kingdom that men
shall be brought into harmony with Jehovah. Upon
his beloved Son Jehovah has placed his name, and
there is no other name given under heaven whereby
men must be saved. (Acts 4:12) The kingdom is Je-
hovah’s capital organization, and of that organization
Christ Jesus is the Head. Jehovah has caused to be
written in his Word that his purpose is to make Christ
Jesus man’s Redeemer and carth’s rightful ruler and
gather all obedient ones under him. Therefore it is
written: ‘‘That in the dispensation of the fulness of
times he might gather together in one all things in
Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on
earth; even in him.’’——EEph. 1:10.
7In the dream of Nebuchadnezzar the leaving of
the stump in the ground, which represents the human
part of the original organization, would picture Je-
hovah’s purpose of making provision for the redemp-
tion and final deliverance of the obedient ones of man-
kind and that these may grow up into another organi-
zation and live for ever. The language of Daniel  
4:26 proves that the stump must have a close relation-
ship to the kingdom of Christ. These Scriptural texts
prove beyond all doubt that the ‘‘tree in the midst
of the earth’’, which Nebuchadnezzar saw in his
dream, pictures Satan’s organization which must
perish for ever and that then Jchovah would cause a
new tree to grow up which is his capital and righteous
organization and of which Christ Jesus is the Head
and overlord; that the hope of man, who was a part
of the original tree, is in the new tree or holy organi-
zation. Therefore Christ Jesus is the trce of hope,
beeause the organization is his by the will of Jeho-
vah God and only by and through Christ Jesus and
the kingdom ean the people have a hope for life, for
the reason that sueh is the will of the Almighty God.
* Since the expulsion from Eden man’s portion has
been ‘‘with the beasts in the grass of the earth’’, even
as portrayed in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. Rulers
under Satan _have been bestial, brutish, inhuman,
eruel and oppressive, and the human race has been
subjected to such eruel rule. These earthly rulers,
being a part of Satan’s organization, are likened to
ferocious beasts. (Dan. 7:3-17) This is in harmony
with the divine deerce of Daniel 4:16: ‘‘Let his heart
be changed from man’s, and let a beast’s heart be
piven unto him; and let seven times pass over him.’?
Such beastly rulers have had no understanding or
appreciation of Jchovah’s ways. ‘‘O Lord, how great
are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep. A
brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool under-
stund this,’? (Ps. 92:5,6) Asa part of the roots of
the old stump in the earth these rulers have not
reached out for the life-giving waters of truth, and
henee have learned nothing. Concerning them it is
written: ‘‘Surely IT am more brutish than any man,
and have not the understanding of a man. I neither
learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy.’’
(Prov. 30:2,3) As rulers and a part of Satan’s or-
ganization they too shall perish.
*The words of the prophetie dream, to wit, ‘‘seven
times,’’ should not be confused with the period of time
elapsing from Eden to Armageddon, and there is a
definite reason for this. The meaning of ‘‘time’’ is
‘*a set or fixed time’’; technically, ‘‘a year,’’? which
according to the Bible is 360 days. The miniature ful-
filment was upon the man Nebuchadnezzar, and the
complete fulfilment must be upon a far greater scale.
These ‘‘seven times’? must pass over the stump by
reason of the deeree of Jchovah God, not as times of
punishment of mankind, but to mark a period of time
during which Satan, who was pictured by Nebuehad-
nezzar, the head of the earthly government and who
at that time exercised regal power as ruler of the
world and as Satan’s representative, has exercised the
power as god of the whole earth. The ‘‘seven times’’,
therefore, must be symbvlie of and hence equal to the
times of the Gentiles, to wit, 2,520 years. This whole

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Vol. LV
15 FEBRUARIE, 1934


„Și pentru că ei au poruncit să lase butucul copacului cu rădăcinile lui; regatul tău va fi sigur al tău, după ce vei fi știut că cerurile conduc” — Daniel 4:26.