
De la Ro JW United
Versiunea din 30 mai 2020 13:04, autor: AdrianBN (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: June 15, 1936 Those of the great multitude must be firm and bold in doing their work by informing others and thus giv- ing them the opportunity to scek righteousness and meckne...)
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June 15, 1936 Those of the great multitude must be firm and bold in doing their work by informing others and thus giv- ing them the opportunity to scek righteousness and meckness before Armageddon, because such is the plain word of the Lord. If one does not see that the Lord is now at the temple, conducting judement, then surely that person is not of the temple. If, while mingling with the temple class, continuing to claim to be one of them, a person utters speech or exercises influence to induce the anointed to be negligent, such is an offense egainst God and against his organization.—Matt. 18: 6, 7. 39 Let the anointed now hear and give heed to the words of Jchovah, who says: ‘‘Rise up against her [Satan’s organization, the Edomites] in battle.’’? The battle is on now, and is growiney in severity each day. Amidst this great persecution by the enemy the work of proclaiming the kingdom message must go on to the end that the ‘hidden lies’ of the enemy may be uncov- ered and fully exposed to view in order that those who love what is right may flee to the city of refuge, which is God’s organization, and remain steadfastly there un- til the wrath of God is past. Today the Roman Catholic lficrarchy and their allied elerey have departed en- tirely from the Word of God and his serviee and have devoted themselves to the political affairs of the forces of darkness, Their allies heretofore ealled ‘Protes- tants’’ are dead, and now ‘darkness covers the whole world, and gross darkness is upon all the religionists’, Yet in that organization, and under its dominating control, there are those who sigh and ery for light and truth. To the remnant, his faithful anointed ones, Jchovah now says: ‘‘ Arise, shine; for thy light is eome, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.’”’? (Isa. 60:1,2) You who have been brought into the organi- zation of Jehovah, let your light now so shine that all with whom you come in contact may have cause to know that you are for Jehovah and his kingdom, first, Jast, and all the time. (To be continued) QUESTIONS FOR STUDY { 1,2. When and how did Jehovah cause his glory to begin to be made manifest to lus servants? Account for the fact that some understand and appreciate the prophecies as the Lord unfolds them, while others who also are in a covenant to do the will of God are unable to discern the fulfillment fhe WATCHTOWER. 187 of the prophecies, and some even object to the means and the message which Jehovah has provided for the instruction of his people, { 3-5. What is the proper attitude and procedure for the faith- ful servants of the Lord in relation to others in the cove- nant and to the unfolding of the prophecies? Show whether repetition in The Watchtower of certain physical facts 18 in hne with Jehovah’s purpose in providing the prophecies and record thereof and in due time unfolding them to his faithful people. ¢ 6,7. What is the source of the prophecy designated as that of Obadiah? Its message? Its purpose? What important and timely instruction 13 seen in the fact that the identry of Obadiah is uncertain? { 8-11. When was this prophecy written? ond when, and to whom, does it apply? Poimt cut how Isaiah 21: 11,12, together with rclated scriptures, serves to confirm the ap- pheation of this prophecy. { 12-15. With examples of record in illustration, point out the grent importance of beg constantly uncompromising and bold in bearmg testimony to the truth, { 16. With scriptures, account tur the suffering that comcs upon Jehovah’s people. { 17-19. Tow is The JVatchtower serving the purpose for which God has provided 1t? 4/ 20-23, With eeriptures and facts, identify antitypical Edum and the modein-duy Edonites, { 24. Show that the record conccming Esau, the words of Obadiah 7, and the words of Jesus concerning the clergy of lus day, are all prophetic of the situation at the present time, confirming the 1dentity of the modern Edomites, § 25-29. Refertang to verse 1: Who have heard? and howt Why, whereas others with opportunity have not heard? Who is thas (anibassador’?? By whom 1s he sent ‘among the nations’’, and how? With what tidings? and for what purpose? With what response by those who hear these ti dings? Explain the significance of this prophecy’s bemg the word of the Lord ‘‘coneerning Edom’’, What is Jeho- vel’s foretold purpose toward the antatypical Esau? Why will he visit sueh judgment upon the Esau elacs? ¥ 30 32. Wow doca Tchovah fulfill his dechuration of Ezekiel 25: 147 How does he have the work performed as directed in Ezekiel 10:6,2,77 How are his people put to test in thig connection? and with what result? 33,94. When and how is Isuah 62:3 fulfilled? With what effeet upon the enemy? With what result to the faithful witnesses? { 35. What do the truly anointed temple class now clearly see as to present reahty and progress of the buttle foretold? { 36. Describe the encmy’s attempt to suppress the truth and to turn Jchovah’s witnesses and all sympathizers away from God. ¥ 37. What is the purpose of the battle now on between the religionists and Jchovah’s witnesses? How ferious now 15 slackness or negligence or the exercise of adverse influence in connection with the proclamation of the kingdom message? { 38. What takes place when the Lord Jesus comes to the tem- ple of Jehovah? ow is it accomptished? What does this mean as to wlicn that work must be done? / q 39. What, then, is the urgency of proclauming tliis message now, and the importance of having a part therein? = SATANIC PREPARATION FOR ARMAGEDDON T ONE time in the history of Satan’s wicked organization of eneels and men ancient Assyria was the outstanding and dominant world pow- er. The city of Nineveh was its capital at that time. The ruling factors of that world power resided there and exercised dominion therefrom. Henee Ninevch, and also Assyria, of which it was the capital, are used in the Bible prophecies to represent Satan’s organiza- tion as it exists in our day, particularly the political side of the earthly part of the Devil’s organization. In the propheey of Nahum, which is addressed to Nineveh, Jehovah describes his own organization as being prepared for the great and impending conflict, the battle of Armageddon, and scrves warning notices on Satan’s organization today, saying: ‘‘IIe that dash- eth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily. For the Lord [Jchovah] hath turned away the excellency ... The shield of his mighty men [that is, Christ and his armies in