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Versiunea din 18 aprilie 2020 08:55, autor: Administrator (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: JuNE 15, 1938 who therefore appear to be best suited to fill the re- spective positions designated for service.’”’ 16 Surely it must now appear to all of God’s people t...)
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JuNE 15, 1938 who therefore appear to be best suited to fill the re- spective positions designated for service.’”’ 16 Surely it must now appear to all of God’s people that the time is here for a better and more completely harmonious organization for the service of the Lord and that now is the time for peace and righteousness in God’s visible organization, and in which time every- one in the organization and in the service should main- tain peace and righteousness in the advancement of the kingdom interest of the Lord’s organization. A harmonious organization is required by the Lord, and full unity in action must be maintained. Such is the Lord’s commandment, and his commandments must be obeyed. (Acts 3:23) Does it not, therefore, clearly appear to the anointed that Jehovah God has now fulfilled the terms of the prophecy at Isaiah 60:17, and that as gold is better than silver and the other materials therein named by way of comparison, so now God has brought in a better understanding and condition in his organization and that now he has brought forward and made his approved servants peace and righteousness and that he requires of all full and complete harmony and unity in action? In times past many who have ruled amongst the professed people of God have ruled with force and with eruelty. God promised that he would cause such a condition to cease, and therefore he said: ‘‘With foree and with cruelty have ye ruled them. Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will re- quire my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more: for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.’’—Ezek, 34:4, 10. 17 This prophecy applies to all who have manifested the wrong spirit amongst the people of God, and spe- cifically including the clergy and the ‘‘clective elder’’ ‘element and others who have showed the disposition to boss and ‘lord it over God’s heritage’. Oceasionally a report comes to the Society that in a certain com- pany the ‘‘elective elder’’ or boss spirit is manifested by some claiming to be anointed, and who act arro- gantly toward both the remnant and the Jonadabs. Let it now be clearly understood that it is the duty of the servants in the church, and in fact all of the temple company, to comfort one another and to com- fort the ‘‘other sheep’’. In the commission given to the anointed temple company these words appear: ‘‘To proclaim , .. the day of vengeance of our God; to eomfort all that mourn.’’ Therefore it is the clear duty of the remnant to declare the day of God’s venge- ance and to do this with absolute unity in action; and it is likewise the duty of the remnant to comfort ‘fall that mourn’’, which specifically refers to those of good will who are in distress because of the con- ditions that prevail about them. (Ezek. 9:4) The Lord will not tolerate bosses, troublemakers, mur- murers, harsh or cruel rulers in his organization or She WATCHTOWER. 183 any part thereof, whether factory, farm or field serv- ice. The Lord now clearly reveals his purpose to have peace and righteousness in his organization, and it therefore follows that all who will not joyfully get in line in obedience to this commandment the great Executive Officer by his angels will gather out. (Matt. 13:41) It is the time of war against the enemy, and therefore the time of united action of all of those in God’s organization. It is the time of peace, righteous- ness and complete unity, and hence harmonious action in service amongst all of those devoted to Jehovah. Let everyone in God’s organization see to it that he thus walks humbly or obediently with his God (Mic. 6:8), that is, with Christ Jesus, ‘‘the Mighty God,’’ and with Jehovah, the Supreme One. HIS DUE TIME 18 Tn his own due time Jehovah reveals to his faith- ful people whatsoever it is his will they should know, and this he has proved by his manner of dealing with them during the past few years in particular. He has now shown his people that it is his time when they shall rise up against the cnemy in war. There must of necessity, therefore, be complete harmony in the ranks of God’s organization. Let all quibbling, strife and discord cease. Zion is now builded up, and all of Zion must know and do the will of God. King Solo- mon was a type of Christ Jesus, who is the builder of the real temple of God, and what was recorded coneerning the building of the typical temple, amongst other things, ‘happened unto them as ensamples, and they were written for our admonition’... ‘and were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.’ (1 Cor. 10:11; Rom. 15:4) By having this clear and positive information the following comparison of what came to pass with reference to Solomon and the typical temple, and what has been performed by Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Solomon in the real temple, may be considered with profit. 19 And it came to pass, in the four hundred and eighticth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solo- mon’s reign over Israel, in the month Zif [bloom] which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the Lord.’’ (1 Ki. 6:1) The time here mentioned was 1035 B.C., and the second month thereof, second day (2 Chron. 3:1,2), appears to correspond with the year (A.D.) 1918, about the 15th of April of that year, about the time of the appear- ing of the Lord Jesus Christ at the temple. In the year 1918 the Memorial was celebrated on the 14th day of the first Jewish month, or, to wit, our time, March 26, 1918. Jewish kings were formally enthroned and crowned in the spring of the year. Hence though the ‘‘seven times’’ of ‘‘the times of the Gentiles’’ ended in the fall of 1914, about October 1, yet accord- ing to the Jewish type Jehovah would induct into