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Versiunea din 7 iunie 2020 17:31, autor: Administrator (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: ~ce WAIC1HIIO ANNOUNCING JEHOVAH'S KINGDOM VOL. LXI SEPTEMBER 15, 1940 No. 18 EHUD PART 1 "Teach me thy way, 0 Jehovah " I will walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name."...)
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~ce WAIC1HIIO ANNOUNCING JEHOVAH'S KINGDOM VOL. LXI SEPTEMBER 15, 1940 No. 18 EHUD PART 1 "Teach me thy way, 0 Jehovah " I will walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name." -Ps. 86: 11, A.R.V. EHOVAH the Almighty God and Christ Jesus ] are one. Said Jesus: "1 and my Father are one." (John 10: 30) Jehovah God is the Father; Jesus is the Son. Jehovah is without beginning and with- out end, therefore "from everlasting". (Ps. 90: 2) Christ Jesus is the beginning of Jehovah's creation. (Rev. 3: 14; John 1: 1-3) Furthermore Jesus said: "hly Father is greater than 1." (John 14: 28) How, then, are the Father and the Son one' In this: that they are in full harmony and complete unity. They work together in exact harmony or unity. The Fa- ther and the Son are in complete unammity, or one- ness. Christ Jesus the Son always obeys the will of Jehovah God: "It'or 1 came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me." (John 6: 38) "1 delight to do thy will, 0 my God; yea, thy law is within my heart." (Ps. 40: 8) Jehovah is the grea t THEOCRAT. Christ Jesus is the King acting for The THEOCRAT. The THEOCRACY is the government of Jehovah performed by and through Christ Jesus. 2 It therefore follows that in THE THEOCRACY every- thing must be in exact harmony, unity or oneness wi th Jehovah and Christ Jesus. Jehovah God has given to the Son those who compose the members of his spiritual body. These consist of 144,000 and are llIade up of the faithful apostles amI thereafter those who believe, obey and are brought into the "body of Christ" and prove themselves faithful, even unto death. (Rev. 2: 10) All of these must be in full har- mOllY and unity, as stated by Jesus: "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."-John 17: 21. S This language of Jesus clearly settles the mat- ter, that the oneness means full and complete unity in action. Such was the mind of the apostle who un- der inspiration said concerning the selection of the members of the body of Christ: "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ; . . . But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ." (Eph. 4: 13-15) Therefore Jehovah, Christ Jesus and all others who have to do with The THEOCRATIC GOVERN- MENT must be fully united, all working in God's or- ganization under the direction of the Head thereof. • Over a long period of time Jehovah made and recorded in the Bible many prophetic pictures for the purpose of enabling those on the earth at the present time who love and obey him to see and ap- preciate the development of The THEOCRATIC Gov- ERNMENT. Among those prophetic pictures was one in which Ehud played a prominent part. 'l'hat pro- phetic drama is here discussed for the edification of God's people. Its fulfillment is now in progress, nearing a culmination, and is therefore of great in- terest to those who trust fully in the great THEOCRAT. 6 Jehovah is "the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort". In the time of greatest stress he comforts those who fully trust in him and who serve him with zeal. Just now the anointed remnant and their companions are sorely oppressed by the en- emy, yet not dismayed nor discouraged. Europe has been overrun by the instruments of Satan acting under the leadership of Gog the demon and other associated demons. On the continent of Europe thE' "strange work" of Jehovah immediately prect>dillg his "strange act" appears to be about done. In Britain and America the way of the witness work grows more difficult. Everywhere the great religious organizations, working together with the political and commercial allies, act to carry out their con- spiracy to destroy those who are faithfully serving Jehovah. All of these conspirators are against The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, and that is the reason why they persecute Jehovah's witnesses. 6 Throughout the earth today the people of J eho- vah who serve him and support his THEOCRACY with confidence look to Jehovah God and his King and unitedly pray "the Higher Powers" to confound God's enemies. That prayer that they now breathe J eho- vah caused to be recorded in his Vord long centu- ries ago. He makes known to those who love him 275