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3.243 de octeți șterși, 16 mai 2020 13:40
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<score sound="1>\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \key c \major c4 g8 g a4 g r b^> c^> r \bar "|." } \addlyrics { Shave and a hair -- cut: two bits. }</score>
{ \new ChoirStaff <<score sound=1> \version "2.12.3"new Staff <<  %%%%%% First part: MINUET%%%mUpperVoice = \new Voice \relative c'' { \voiceOne set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \slurDown tempo 8 = 120 \repeat volta 2 { g~ g8 f16 e f e d c | c4 stemUp \grace { d16[ c b] } c8. e16 g,4 | g8. a16 b8[ c] d e | g4 g16( f ) e f e4 | d8. c16 a'4 c,4 | b8. d16 g8[ g] fis f | f16( e ) c a g4 clef treble \grace { a16[ g key fis g] } b8. a16 | g4 r r | } \repeat volta 2 { minor \tuplet time 3/2 { g'16([ a ) g] } \tuplet 3/2 { f[ e d] } cis2 | d16[ d32( cis ) d16 e] f[ f32 e f16 g] a4 | \tuplet 3/2 { f16([ g ) f] } \tuplet 3/2 { e[ d c] } b2 | c16[ c32( b ) c16 d] e[ e32( d ) e16 f] g4 | c,8s4..[ e64 g] c4 | < gis d b > | < a c, >2 < a ees c >4 | < g e >8[ \acciaccatura { a8 } <g e >16 <' dis fis>16] < g e >8[ < e c >8] < d fis >8[ < b g >8] | < f b >4 < e c' > r | }} mLowerVoice = \relative c { \voiceTwo \repeat volta 2 { c2 d4 | e2^. | f4. e8 d[ c] | b2 c4 | fis2. | g4. g,8 a[ b] | c a d2 | g,4 r r | } \repeat volta 2 { r4 r8 bes a[ g] | f2 r4 | r4 r8 aes g[ f] | e2. | c'2 e4 | f2 fis4 | g2 g,4 | c2 r4 | }} %%%%%% Second part: VALSE%%%vUpperVoice = \relative c' { \voiceOne \repeat volta 2 { g8 e' d | c8. b16 c8 | g8 ^( <d' f> <c egis dis> | <b d>8^. <ais cis>16 <b d>8 | <e g> <gis dis fis> <d f> | e8^.[ g16] c8 | g, <d' f> <c e> ) | <b d>4s4. | } \repeat volta 2 { cis4 e8 | <a, dfis cis>8^.[ ^( <a e'fis cis>16] <f' a,>8 | b,4 d8 | <c g>8^.[ <g d'>16] <e' g,>8 | e a fis | <d gcis>8^.[ <d f>16] <e c>8 | <a, d> f' <f, g b> ) | <e g c>4s4. | } \repeat volta 2 { <e' g>8 <e g>8 <e g>8 | <e c'>4 <e c'>8 | <fis16^( eis dis cis) < { c'16. b32 a8 b } \\ { \shiftOn \stemDown f4 f8 } >> | <e c'>4 <e ggis>8 | g8 a <cis, e> | f8^. g16 a8 | g8 <f d a> <e c a> | <d b>4 r8 | } <b d>8 <b d> <b d> | <c ees>8. d16 ees8 | fis8 fis fis | <b, d g>8^. fis'16 g8 r r |s4 } <f b>8 <f b> <f b> | c'8. b16 c8 | d8 d e | f4 \new Voice \fermata s8 | <e, g>8 <e g> <e g> | <e c'>4 <e relative c'>8 | << { c'16. b32 a8 b } \\ { \shiftOn \stemDown f4 f8 } >> | <e c'>4 <e g>8 | bes'8 a e | g f cis8[ d | c[ \grace { d16[ c b c] } e8. d16] cis | <c e,>4bis4. | \bar "|."} vLowerVoice = \relative c { \voiceTwo \repeat volta 2 { r8 <g' c,> <f b,> | << { \stemDown c4. } \\ { g'8\rest <g e>8 <g e> } >> | r8 b, c | g' g g | g a !32_([ cis d16 cis8)] b | c4ais4. | b,4 c8 | g'4. | } \repeat volta 2 { bes8 b8 a <g a> | f8.![ e16_( gis)] d8 | aes' g <f g> | e8.a fis[ d16_( eis)] c8 | c'4 <c d>8 | b8.[ gis16] a8 | f4 g,8 | c4. | } fis \repeat volta 2 grace { c8 c c | c c c | c c c | c c c | << \stemDown { \shiftOn e'4 (} \\ { c,4 a8 } >> d4) | << \stemDown { \shiftOn d'4 cis } \\ addlyrics { d,4. } >> | <c' e,>8 fBuß - und Reu, fis | g8 g8 g8 | – Buß4 und8 Reu– knirscht das Sün- den- herz ent- zwei } g4. | g8 g g | <g c ees>4. | g8 g g | <g d'>4. | << { \shiftOn new Staff \stemDown <relative c e>4. } \\ { g8 g g } >> | << { \shiftOn clef bass \stemUp b8 b c } key fis \minor \ { g8 g g } >> | <g b d>4time 3/8 fis4. ~_"Bar 13" | c,8 c c fis8 gis16( fis eis dis) | c c c | c c c eis4. | c c c | <cis e'>4 <cis a'>!8 | <fis16( e d a'>4 <f a>8 cis) | g4 <f g,>8 d8( cis b) | c4cis4. ~ |} %%%%%% SYSTEMS%%%\score { << \new Staff = "minuet" \with { midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar cis8 b16(nylona gis fis)| eis ^" instrumentName = #"MINUET.173 bars" } << \clef "treble_8" \time 3/4 \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \context Voice = "mUpperVoice" \mUpperVoice \context Voice = "mLowerVoice" \mLowerVoice >> >> \layout {} \midi { \tempo 4 = 100 }} \score { << \new Staff = "valse" \with { midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)" instrumentName = #"VALSE." } << \clef "treble_8" \time 3/8 \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn \context Voice = "vUpperVoice" \vUpperVoice \context Voice = "vLowerVoice" \vLowerVoice score>> >> \layout {} \midi { \tempo 4 = 100 }}

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