Pagină:Obadiah-part-I-1936.djvu/6: Diferență între versiuni

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6.170 de octeți adăugați, 30 mai 2020 13:03
Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 182 such gentlemen who had heen active should cease their activity.’ ’”’ 34 The above quotations of the testimony of the de- fendants were entircly contrary to what God...
(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 182 such gentlemen who had heen active should cease their activity.’ ’”’ 34 The above quotations of the testimony of the de- fendants were entircly contrary to what God...)
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Versiunea de la data 30 mai 2020 13:03

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182 such gentlemen who had heen active should cease their activity.’ ’”’ 34 The above quotations of the testimony of the de- fendants were entircly contrary to what God’s Word commands and directly contrary to what the Society holds must be done and what those representatives had been instructed that they should do. Such words show a compromise with the enemy. Those who are faithful to God and his kingdom must obey his commandments regardless of what any earthly power may decree or command. No one can prove faithful to God and main- tain his integrity toward God and at the same time compromise with the enemy hy failimg or refusing to serve God by reason of fear of the enemies of God and his kingdom. Lukewarmncss is an abomination in the sight of God. (Rev. 3:16) Jehovah’s witnesses love him, and they prove this by their boldness in bear- ing testimony to the truth in the day of judgment. (1 John 4:17,18) The judges trying the above cases must have elearly seen the atiiiude of compromise, and defendants reecived no consideration at their hands. It would be inconsistent for the Society to do anything in their behalf, after they have proved unfaithful to the Lord under stress. 13 Tn contrast with the testimony given by the afore- mentioned representatives in Germany a number of faithful witnesses of Jchovah in that land have demon. strated their faithfulness, boldness and firmness in the declaration of the truth at all times, and, by the grace of the Lord, they continue to give testimony in the name of Jehovah and bis King regardless of per- secution. As an example of the determination of many of the faithful ones in Germany to stand firm, the fol- lowing incident is quoted, which is taken from a re- port received from that country: ‘‘In one coneentra- tion camp there are 600 of Johovah’s witnesses. Every day they are called out and mistreated, then the offi- cial calls out and says: ‘Bible Students cr Jchovah’s witnesses, step forward. How many of you will re- main Jchovah’s witnesses?’ Every one raised their hands, thus testifying for the Lord and his kingdom.’’ There are many such faithful and Joyal brethren in that land. In Germany 2,894 of Jchovah’s witnesscs have been imprisoned, many of whom are still in prison. Many of such hesitate not to testify to the truth and stand firm for the Lord and his kingdom. In no other way can one be faithful to the Lord. The experience concerning Daniel, Mcshach, Shadrach and Abed-nego, as recorded in the Bible, is an example of the proper attitude of one who is in a covenant to do God's will. All the faithful will follow the same course. Jehovah is able to sustain his witnesses, and nothing can come to them except by his permission. Such faithful ones have the assuranee that the Lord is directing their way. (Prov. 3:5, 6) ‘‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the ealled according to his purpose.’’——Rom. 8: 28, She WATCHTOWER Brooxiyy, N.Y, 1® The experiences recorded concerning Job prove that Jehovah permits severe tests to come upon his people that they may have opportunity to prove their devotion to and integrity toward God. If one com- promises with the enemy and suffers from that, such suffering avails nothing. If one suffers because of his faithfulness to the Lord, happy is he, because that suffering is like the suffering that came upon Christ Jesus. “*But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be re- vealed, ye may be glad also with execeding joy.’’— 1 Pet. 4:18. The faithful are now rejoicing in the Lord that they ave permitted to fill up some of the sufferings of Christ left over. (Col. 1:24) Attention is called to these things, not for the mere purpose of criticizing anyone, but that those who are subjeeted to the test may see and have in mind what is the proper course for one who has undertaken to do the will of God. Many of the brethrcn in New Jersey have been sub- jected to similar experiences and in the face of all such persceufion have stood firm and immovable for the Lord and his kinedom. ‘‘It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him, If we suffer, we shall also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us.?? (2 Tim. 2: 11,12) Fach one must determine which side he is on and prove his posi- tion by the constant and faithful course of action taken.

  1. 8 Referring to those who find occasion to say before

the brethren: “Zhe Watchtower contains nothing but the opinion of a man; we have been mistaken in the past, and why not understand that The Walehtowcr is now mistaken??? Such persons should remember that The Watchtower sets out the words of God's prophet and aloneside that prophecy sets down the physical facts well known to all, that each one who is of the temple class may readily decide what is and what is not in fulfillment of the prophcey. 1° Now, coneerning the propheey of Obadiah, note that this statement is made: ‘Thus saith the Loid God.’? Obadiah’s uttered words are therefore not a dream or a hallucination or a man’s gucss or opinion, but the sure and unfailing Word of Jchovah Gad. The purpose of the prophecy is to enlighten the rcm- nant of God’s people now on the earth that they might stand strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Likewise The Watchtower emphasizes the Word of God and not the guess or opinion of man. God and Christ Jesus are the teachers, and the anointed do not need the aid of some self-constituted wise exesete, To such anointed ones this seripture applies: “But the anointing which ye have reecived of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you; but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ve shall abide in him.’’—1 John 2: 27. 20The Lord God gave Obadiah his word ‘‘eoneern- ing Edom’’, The nickname of Esau was Edom: *‘,

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