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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 202 (1 Cor. 4:5) The Lord has come and is at the temple separating and judging the nations, and he sends forth his singers to proclaim the truth and to expose the hidden thines...)
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Versiunea de la data 27 iunie 2020 14:02

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202 (1 Cor. 4:5) The Lord has come and is at the temple separating and judging the nations, and he sends forth his singers to proclaim the truth and to expose the hidden thines before he strikes the devastating blew against the enemy, Clearly that these things might be emphasized in the mind of those who love and serve God, he also says by the mouth of another prophet, to wit: ‘If grapegatherers coine to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, they will destroy till they have cnough [(margin) their sufficiency]. But I have made Lsan bare, I have uncovered his seeret places, and he shall not be able to hide himself: his seed is spoiled, and his brethren, and his neighbours, and he is not.’’? (Jer. 49:9, 10) Thus Jehovah declares himeelf concerning the Toman Catholic Iherarchy and their alhed clergy, the de- fameis of his name. The hidden treasures of modern Edom, in addition to wealth, such as houses and money, refer also to the political power of those religious or- ganizations which they have and exercise among the commercial trafiickers and pohtieians that rule. Ameng the hidden thines that mu t be exposed, and which are now being exposed, are the rehgious mysteries and doctrines, and rites, so-enlled “last rites’’, by which the clergy have deceived and defrauded the common people and taken away the fruits of their labor, and still continue to deceive them, and this cause the ecom- mon people ereat want and suffering both mentally and materially. 78 The public press reports that the Nazis, by reason of perseeution, are compcliing the Jews to sell their property at a vreat sacrifice in Germany and that the Catholics are buying up that property. A criminal always leaves some loophole by which he exposes him- self. This is another evidence that the Lierarchy is back of the Nazi organization, which is robbing a thrifty cle s of people in Germany, persecuting all others that do not bow to the dictates of the Lherarehy and the Nazis, and estending favors only to those who support the arbitrary and dictatorial rule of that land. In due time the Micrarchy’s hand will be completely exposed in Germany and her nefarious work and her ill-got gains will be scarehcd out and come to an un- timely end. 29 When the Lord enthroned David as king of Israel the ancient Edomites were the mortal cnemics of David, and of the people over which he ruled, God's chosen people. The Edomites then kept a part of the territory which Jehovah had assigned to .braham’s seed, and David was moved to act according to the will of God when he fought the Edomites. Now the great antitypical David, Christ Jesus, is on his throne and is commanded by Jchovah to rule amidst his enemics. (Ps. 110:2) The modern Edomites, the religionists, are the mortal enemies of the antitypical David, in- eluding, to he sure, the remnant. Wrongfully the modern Edomites, the clergy, assume the place as- sigued to the true seed of Abraham, and the antitypical She WATCHTOWER Brook.ys, N.Y. David sends forth the members of his body, the faith- ful remnant, to expose the position of the enemy be- fore he destroys them. The remnant are therefore now acting under the command of the Lord when they publish to the world the truth of and concerning thos. hypocritical religionists who blaspheme the name of God and his kingdom and who oppose all who are im favor of his kingdom. This war is in progress ae- cording to the will of God. What appears in the Serip- tures is not the word of man, and the citation of the facts with that of the Scriptures concerning the mod- ern Edomites is not an accusation of man, but is set forth according to the vill of the Lerd that the refure of lies may be stripped bare in this day. The remnant are not gathering the great inultitude, becauce that is the Lord's work. The remnant are proclaiming the truth that it mieht be known that dchovah is the only true God, and that those who hear that message and who are of good will toward God and put themselves on his side and obey his commandments may join the great multitude. It is unreasonable and unseriptural, and therefore foolish, for anyone to now say: {The work we are now doing is small potatoes compared with what we will do after Armageddon, in gathering the ercat multitude’? The facet that Jehovah is revealing to his people now the meaning of his prophecies, such as Jehu, cities of refuse, Samson, conecrning the Philistines, and other prophecies, is conclusive proof that it is his will that the remnant should now knew these thines, which were written aforetime for their comfort and hope, and that they might tse thes truths aceording to the will of God in declarius them to others. What will strenethen the hope of the ren. nant more than to know that they are now envaged in a work according to the will of God, and in which he commands them to serve notice upen others, that these who are of good wil toward him may learn the way to Zion, take their place with God’s organization, and form the great multitude that will forever praise Jeo- hovah'’s name? Any attempt to make the remnant think that their chicf work concerming the ereat mul- titude is some twenty years future only tends fo couse Jehovah’s witnesses to become lax in their efforts, in- different and negligent of their duties and privileges. The remnant, who are really devoted to Jehovah and his hingdom, and who for the past few years have earefully studied the Lord’s prophecies as the Lord has unfolded them, will nut now be induced to shack the hand. They sce the war is on and that they must fight, and ficht eontinuowly, and that their part of the fizht is to proclaim the praise of Jchovah and to con- tinuously offer before the Lord an offering in right- cousness. The remnant are now hated by the ruling powers of all nations, even as Jesus was hated when he was on earth. The faithful remnant now debehi to bear the reproaches that reproached our Lord end Head. The inspired Word now applies to the remuatt, which says: ‘‘Let us go forth therefore unto him with-