Pagină:Hope-of-a-tree-1934.djvu/8: Diferență între versiuni

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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: 40 represented the invisible part of Satan’s organization. (Dan. 2:35; Light, Book Two, page 292-319) The offiee of overlord, like the lofty top of the cedar tree, dominated...)
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Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):Corp-mesaj (pentru a fi introdus):
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{{raw:data:ai|3|38|Turnul de Veghe|Brooklyn, N.Y.}}
represented the invisible part of Satan’s organization.
(Dan. 2:35; Light, Book Two, page 292-319) The
offiee of overlord, like the lofty top of the cedar tree,
dominated everything on earth and was visible from
all parts of the earth. That does not mean that Satan
was visible, but his power or overlordship was dis-
eernible throughout the earth. The overlord supervised
all the earth and must be looked up to and recognized
by all the earth. In this manner Satan exalted himself
over all the earth and made men look up to him.
*4The leaves of a tree are for the benefit of the
creatures that come in contact therewith. (Rev. 22:2)
Deseribing the tree in the vision the prophecy reads:  
“‘The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof
much, and in it was meat for all: the beasts of the
field had shadow undcr it, and the fowls of the heaven
dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of
it.’? (Ws. 12) The base or root stock of the tree was
in the earth, and thus pictured man, and shows that
it is the man whom (Cod ercated and concerning whom
he commanded: ‘‘Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness; and Iet them have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
ereeping thing that ercepeth upon the carth.’’ (Gen.
1:26) The dominion of man was and is limited to the
earth, but above man was the invisible organization,
headed or topped by Lucifer, who afterwards beeame
Satan, and to whom the words of Jehovah apply:  
“Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of
heaven hath given thee a kingdom, powcr, and
strength, and glory.’”? (Dan. 2:37) This is proof that
Nebuchadnezzar represented or illustrated regal power
that was granted to Lucifer and which power he
abused and turned to wickedness.
25 The prophetic vision states that the fruit of the
tree was much, and that in it was meat for all and
all flesh was fed of it. I:ven after iniquity was found
in Lucifer and he became Satan, and sinee, all the
earth has been compelled to feed from that tree. This
is corroborated by the Scriptural statement that the
whole world licth in the wicked one. (1 John 5:19,
Diag.) The ereation of earth has been under the shad-
ow of that wicked organization.
6 Tucifer, when appointed to the high office of over-
lordship, was a part of Jehovah’s organization, and
hence formed a part of the ‘‘higher powers’’. Luci-
fer was made God’s watcher over the interests of the
things of the earth, but he became unfaithful, rebel-
lious and unholy and no longer was a watcher. On
the contrary, he opposed the interests of Jchovah and
the interests of man and has attempted to turn every-
thing to his own wicked use. There was another
watcher over and above Lucifer, and this is the
one whom Nebuchadnezzar saw in vision. ‘‘I saw in
the visions of my head upon mv bed, and, behold,
a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven.”
Brooxuyy, N. Y.
(Vs.13) This one Watcher was watching the tree,
and hence he was higher than Lucifer. That one watch-
er was and ever has been ‘‘an holy one’’ and is the
Logos or the Word of God, the only begotten and be-
loved Son of Jehovah God. This holy Watcher has
ever remained fully a d completely devoted to Jcho-
vah God and has always maintained his integrity to-
ward him. ;The yision discloses this watcher coming
down from heaven, which manifestly means that the
Logos, Jesus, the beloved One and faithful One of
Jehovah, turned his attention to the things which per-
tain to and affect the earth, and particularly man.
27 This holy one, the Watcher, being the spokesman
of Jehovah God, makes known the decree of the Most
High, ‘‘He eried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the
tree, and eut off his branches, shake off his leaves,
and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from
under it, and the fowls from his branches.’’ (Vs. 14)
That, deeree. means that the RIGITT to the overlord-
ship was then and there taken away from Lucifer,
now Satan, and that he (Satan) and his spirit subor-
dinates were cut off from Jehovah’s organization and
were henceforth outlaws and that no carthly creature
was required to remain under Satan’s oryanization,
for the reason that he was no longer any part of the
‘higher powers’? and no more furnishes protection
and nourishment and help for mankind. All those
who would have the blessings of life must give their
allegianee and devotion to Jchovah God and his holy
Watcher. This divine judgment or deeree did not mean
that at the time of Adam’s sin and the fall of Lucifer,
now Satan, the judement was to be executed imme-
diately and that Satan and his invisible organization
were then east out of heaven and down to the earth;
but that decree declares God’s purpose coneerning the
same. It is the final judgment then and there made
and written against Satan and his organization, which
judenient began to be executed at the time when
Christ Jesus was sent forth to rule and to cast
Satan and his wicked angels out of heaven. The exe-
cution of that deerce, therefore, began in 1914 and
shall be fully and completely executed at Armageddon.
The destruction of the tree as deseribed by the proph-
et Ezekiel, in the thirty-first chapter, shows what will
come to pass at Armageddon.
28 Satan has exercised overlordship in his wicked
organization, which includes the human race, even to
the present time; but he has exercised that regal pow-
er without divine authority and has rebelled against
Jehovah God. Jehovah’s purpose was announeed in
the deeree, but that decree he did not execute imme-
diately and completely destroy Sutan and his organi-
zation but has permitted him to go on in his wieked
efforts to prove his side of the challenge fiung into the
face of Jehovah God. The wisdom and supremacy of
Jchovah are here exhibited by proving that he bides
his own due time to vindicate his name. Peter refers

Versiunea de la data 23 decembrie 2022 10:44

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Turnul de Veghe
Brooklyn, N.Y.

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