
De la Ro JW United
Versiunea din 27 iunie 2020 13:53, autor: AdrianBN (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: duty 1, 1936 obey God's law first and all the time. (Acts 5:29) The clergy take this course in order to carry on a‘ bush- whack’? warfare against Jehovah's witnesses. Those...)
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duty 1, 1936 obey God's law first and all the time. (Acts 5:29) The clergy take this course in order to carry on a‘ bush- whack’? warfare against Jehovah's witnesses. Those of the Hierarchy hide behind their political tools and direct them to fire their darts at the true followers of Christ Jesus. As a court magistrate, who is a tool of the Hierarchy and who presides in Irvineion, N.d., recently said to dechovah’s witnesses: ‘'] will fight you and stab yeu in the back. T will feht vou to the biter end.”? Thus a judicial officer, who 1s sworn to impar- tiaHy administer the law, openly shows he is under the direction and control and management of the Hier- archy, the Devil’s visthle representative. The elergy refuce to fight in the open and im the light of God's Word because they well know that the Word of God is azainst them. As Jchovah's prophet says: ‘They fieht like women’ (Jer, 61:90), that is, they seck un- due advantace, attack from the rear, pull hair, shoot from the dark, and do injury when they catch their adversary off guard,

  1. Those who truly love God and his King, wha wor-

ship him in spirit end im truth, well hunow that this is a time of war between the modern Edomites and the faithful followers of Christ Jesus. It is not a war with carnal weapons, because choval’s witnesses hever vse sueh Weapons of warrere. The true and faith- ful ones use the ‘‘sword of the spirit, which is the Vord of God’, and that weapot is mighty to the pull- ing down of the stronzholds that are hid behind the mountain of Jies. (2 Cor, 10:4) Today the Edomites, that is, the clergy, are high and lifted up in their stronghold and they seek to held their position by holding firmly to theiy allianee with the kines or rulers of this world. What they fear is to have their Hes and hypocrisies exposed to view. They reason, and that correctly, that they might have some honest men amongst the politicians and commercial trafhickers who would not be pleased with their Hes. It is the truth of God's Word concerning his name, his King and his kingdom, that he uses to uncover that hiding place or refuge of lies. Jchovah’s witnesses are commanded to hift hich the standard of the Lord, which is the truth, and lead the way for the people of good will; and this means war. (Isa. 62:10) For more than a decade this war has been in progress, and it grows in severity with each year. The elergy alone are wmnable to withstand the onslanghts of truth, and thercfore they enlist the aid of the ruling powers to enact Jaws by which they may eatch the faithful proclaimers of the Word of God, charge them with some offcnse, and cast them into prison, WwIt is this warfare of truth against entrenched wickedness and hypocrisy that the Lord is using to awaken the donadabs, or ‘‘ereat multitude’’, Christ Jesus, at the temple, is judging the nations; before him are assembled all the nations, and particularly now is he dealing with so-called ‘‘Christendom’’, Ie sends forth his faithful enlightened ones, who make She WAT CHITOWER. 199 up the ‘‘faithful and wise servant’? class, and com- mands them to proclaim from the housetops what they have learned in the secret place of the Most High. To his faithful servants the Lord says: ‘‘Fear them not therefore, for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed.’’ Then he says to his faithful ones: ‘The waters of truth shall sweep away the refuge of lies.’ “Poar not them which [shall] kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.’’ (Matt. 10: 26-33 ; Isa. 28:17) Tf these words of the Lord are not applicable to war, and if this does not mean war, what is it? It is war to the bitter end, and in this war doubtless some of Jehovah's witnesses will dic, but the cause of Jehovah is certuin to come through com- pletely victorious, The faithful will not fear what the enemy ean do, but trusts in the Lord and goes straight forward. Jchovah has given his werd that “the hail shall sweep away the refugee of Hes’’, and God always makes good his word. Tt is this warfare that affords the opportumity for the ‘goats’? to brand themselves as such and for the “other sheep’? of the Lord to identify themselves on the side of God’s or- vanization. Let not the sophittry of men deecive you who are in the covenant for the hingdom, Be not de- evived by the worldly-wise or by the wily efiorts of satan to have you believe that Clod’s people are now ‘foetting nowhere’’, but that ‘after Armageddon they will gather the great multitude’. It is mow that the Lanner of the Lord must be lifted up and earried boldly and fearlessly on, that the people of good will, that is, the great multitude, may see and heed the way to go. Tf we fail to do our duty, by slacking the hand, we shall lose everything, (Evck. $:37-20) Ours is to obey the commandments of the Lord, and he will see to it that the results are according to his will. The Lord is ‘‘getting somewhcre’”’ rieht now, and dome it exactly according to his will, and for anyone to say that the servants of the Lord are ‘‘getting nowhere’? means that such person is guilty of presumptuous sin, The Lord accomplishes his purpose as he wills. Tis word shali not return unto him void. Let some men stand before you and foolisily say, if they wal: “Where are the Jonadabs?: Where is the ereat mul- titude?’’ Anyone so saving docs not have a vision and spiritual understanding of Ged's Word. Rewember, you have covenanted to do (tod's will and you are in the covenant for the kinedom; that now vou must blow the trumpet, sound the alarm, teil the truth, and cease not to do so, and that this must be done now, so that the great multitude may hear the truth and find the way to Zion. 18 Jehovah hides his own due time when he will crush the enemy to the dust. To the proud, hauehty, bush- whacking warriors, who underhandedly assault -Je- hovah’s witnesses and who declare that they are im- mune because they are high and lifted up, Jehovah says: ‘‘Thouzh thou set thy nest umong the stars,