
De la Ro JW United
Versiunea din 27 iunie 2020 14:02, autor: AdrianBN (Discuție | contribuții) (Neverificat: Pagină nouă: JuLy 1, 1936 out the camp, bearing his reproach. By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his...)
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JuLy 1, 1936 out the camp, bearing his reproach. By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name.’’——Heb, 13; 13, 15. (To be continued) QUESTIONS FOR STUDY { 1,2. Describe the battle line-up in which the remnant of God’s people are graciously given a place. What was foreshown in the incident recorded at 1 Samuel 17: 45, and foretold in the declaration at Isaiah 34: 5, 6, 97 3. Show that the prophecy of Obadiah is in line with Ro- mans 15: 4. ¢ 4. To whom do the words of Isaiah 13:11 apply, and how? q 5,6. What is the nature of the work now being done by Je- hovah’s witnesses? The occasion for that work? The foretold purpose of that work, and the evidence that that purpose 1s being aceomplished ? q 7 Show that the facts concerning the Roman Catholic Hier- archy are in tulfillment of the prophetie record concerning Esau and the Edomites, § 8-12. Apply Obadiah 3, clearly identifying those referred to therein and showing applicntion of 2 Chronicles 19:7 and James 2: 2-4,9. Contiast the course taken by those who love God with that taken by the antitypical Hdomites. She WATCHTOWER 203 According to related scriptures, with what result will the latter thus procced? { 13-15. Explain and apply Genesis 36: 31, and the maniresta- tion by the Edomites of their enmity against the Isruciites, showing present fulfillinent of prophecy. { 16,17. Why do the modein Edomites resist and oppose Je- hovah’s witnesses? What purposes are being accomplished by the warfare now in progress, clearly showing the im- portance and urgency of holduess and zeal and gomg straight forward now? § 18-20. To what end, as declared at Obadiah 4 and in related scriptures, will the enemy now exalt themselves? § 21,22. What should we always bear in mind as to the part of the remnant in this war and when their part must he performed, and the purpose of the part committed to them? As to the Lord’s action now, and later, toward the modern “domites? 4 25,24. Point out how fittingly illustrative are the words of Obadiah 5, { 25-28. Show that the name Esau, Esau’s choice of habitation, and the deceit, fraud and cocreion practiced by the ancient Edomites were prophetic. When and how are the ‘things of Edom’? ‘‘stripped bare??? When und how is the latter declaration of Jeremiah 49:10 fulfilled? { 29. Justify David’s fighting the Edomites, What was fore- shown therein? How is the work of the remnant reluted to the gathering of the great multitude, which indirates the urgency of zealous activity now? Apply Lebrews 1y; 13, 15. COURAGE AND VICTORY O TITOSE who have fully agreed to do God’s will this speech is addressed. Jehovah has taken out of the nations a people for his name and has put his name upon them. He has enthroned in Zion his mighty Executive Officer and sent him forth to crush the enemy and to vindicate God’s name, That means war in which is expressed the complete and full vengeance of Jehovah aeainst the wicked one. It also means the supreme endeavor of the wieked one to destroy those upon whom Jehovah has put his name. In that conflict no quarter is asked and none given. To those anointed and commissioned by Jehovah he now says (Isa. 62:1); ‘I will not rest until the right- cousness of Zion shall go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.’? The Lord has risen and he will compel all to know that he is God, whose name alone is Jchovah. The Lord is in his holy temple and commands ali to be silent and hear Ins message. The greatest favor ever bestowed upon man is to be on the side of Jehovah and to enjoy the privilege of serving in his organization. That favor is now possessed by a few persons ou the earth. If you are one of such, happy is your Jot and great is your re- sponsibility. To Jehovah's anointed witnesses mueh has been given and much more entrusted, and coneerning such Jesus says (Luke 12:48, Weymouth) : ‘To whomso- ever much has been given, from him mueh will be re- quired ; and to whom much has been entrusted, of him {the more] will be demanded.’’ Jehovah has given to his people the truth and made known that he has per- mitted Satan to carry on his wicked work for a limited time, at the end of which time he causes a world-wide testimony to be given to those who will hear, and then he will exhibit his supreme power in the battle of his vreal day. Jle requires his witnesses to deliver his testimony. To his anointed the Lord has entrusted his kingdom interests on the earth, and he demands that they shall render a full and satisfactory account of that stewardship. For many centurics honest persons have looked for- ward (o and prayed for the coming of the Lord Jesus and his kingdom, That great event has now come. The primary purpose of the kingdom is to vindicate Je- hovah’s name, and to this end he proves Satan a liar, that Jehovah is the only true Almighty God, the source of Jife, and that he can put men on earth who will re- main true to him, and that he ean and will establish righteousness in the earth. The seeondary purpose of the kingdom is to give life everlasting to all who hear and render themselves in full obedience to Cod; that those who believe in God and Christ Jesus and prove faithful shall live ; and that those who refuse to believe and obey shall remain with the Devil under condemna- tion and suffer destruction. Therefore God has en- trusted to his witnesses the work of publishing these truths to the people, and those thus commissioned hy the Lord who fail or refuse to give the testimony as commanded shall be destroyed. (Ezek. 3:17) The issuc now is plain and clear-cut, and there is no excuse to side-step it. Who will remain true and steadfast on the Lord's side and faithfully perform hig obli- gation? To the anointed ones Jehovah now says (Prov. 6:20): ‘My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother.’’? The com- mandment of Jehovah is his will expre. sed concerning