JuNE 15, 1938
end of heaven to the other.’’ (Matt. 24: 31; Zech. 2: 6)
These ‘‘four spirits’? have an approved standing be-
fore Jehovah, and they willingly serve him in this
day. (Ps. 110:3) They come forth from presenting
themselves unto the Lord, the same as the seven men
described in the ninth chapter of Ezekiel’s prophecy.
Babylon is on the north of Palestine, hence is called
“‘the north country’’. (Zech. 2:6,7; Jer. 10:22) The
earthly Babylon was overthrown eighteen years before
Zechariah began to prophesy; hence this prophecy
must apply to Satan’s organization which bears the
name of Babylon, and applies to ‘‘Gog, of the land
of Magog’’, the chief marshal of Satan’s invisible
organization, concerning which Ezekiel prophesied.
(See Ezekiel 38:2,15; 39:2, R.V.) Zechariah sees
“the black horses [which draw the second chariot]
go forth into the north country’’. (6:6) That divi-
sion of the Lord’s army takes its position for the as-
sault against the strongholds of Satan’s organization
which are led by Satan’s prince Gog and move out
for action. ‘‘ And the white [horses, drawing the third
chariot] go forth after them,’’ (6:6) These two horse-
drawn chariots assaulting the north country comport
with the facts that two armies under two kings to-
gether assaulted and destroyed literal ancient Babylon.
As stated at Daniel 5:28: ‘‘Thy kingdom [Babylon]
is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.”’
There are two divisions of Gog’s army, the invisible
and the visible division, both of which are in the con-
spiracy against God’s anointed people, and both must
be attacked and destroyed by the army of the Lord.
The two chariots, the second and third, moving against
the enemy here picture Jehovah’s sanctified ones, em-
ployed to destroy what Zephaniah 3:8 calls ‘‘the
earth’’, Quoting Isaiah 13:3,5,19: ‘‘I have com-
manded my sanctified ones, I have also called my
mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice
in my highness. They come from a far country [from
heaven, and are no part of this world at any time},
even the Lord [leading his army], and the weapons
of his indignation, to destroy the whole land [Baby-
lon, the ‘north country’ or stronghold of Satan’s or-
ganization]. And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms,
the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as
when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.’’
The grizzled horses wheel their war chariot into
position on the south line of battle: ‘‘The grisled
[(Roth.) spotted] go forth toward the south coun-
try.’’ (6:6) These horses draw the fourth chariot;
and in the third verse of the prophecy they are called
‘‘grisled and bay horses’’. Edom or Idumea (the north-
ern section was also calied Teman), Egypt and Ethi-
opia, all are south of the Holy Land. The prophecy,
therefore, must refer to the antitypes of these coun-
tries, because those countries suffered defeat at the
hands of Jehovah's executioner prior to the time
of Zechariah’s prophecy. In the prophecy Edom or
Idumea pictures the ‘“‘wicked servant’’ class, the
‘‘man of sin’’, ‘‘the son of perdition’’; Egypt pic-
tures Satan’s visible organization, made up of the
commercial, political and religious elements; and Ethi-
opia represents the hireling military strong-arm squad.
All of these shall fall at Armageddon, and Jehovah’s
forees are moving into position for the attack. (Jer.
25:15, 16) Ezckiel’s prophecy shows that the hirelirg
crowd in particular joins forces with Gog in making
the assault on Jehovah’s covenant people, and which
fact shows a combining of the enemy forces north
and south against the anointed of the Lord.—Ezek.
38 : 3-5.
The bay horses of verse seven represent the rem-
nant of God’s anointed people on the earth. These
are the same as those mentioned in verse two as ‘‘red
horses’, The American Revised Version designates
them as ‘‘strong’’ horses, and Rotherham refers to
them as ‘‘deep red’’. These horses are not the grizzled
or bay (of verse three) which draw the fourth chariot.
These ‘‘deep red’’ horses, of verses two and seven,
draw the first chariot on the extreme right and would
be the first ones to be observed by the covenant peo-
ple of God on earth; and this is in accord with the
facts. They picture God’s remnant people on the earth
who are pictured by Ezekiel under the symbol of ‘the
man in linen with the writer’s inkhorn by his side’
who scatters fire over the city. (See Ezekiel 9 and 10.)
These horses drawing the first chariot symbolically
say: The witness work, or ‘marking in the foreheads
those that sigh and ery’, must be done before the
battle of the great day is fought. ‘‘And the bay went
forth, and sought to go, that they might walk to and
fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence,
walk to and fro through the earth.’’ (6:7) The fact
that these ‘‘sought to go’’ proved that they were
willing in the day of the King’s power, ready to obey
the command to go through the earth and preach the
gospel of the kingdom. (Matt. 24:14; Ps. 110:3) The
angel of the Lord said to this remnant: ‘‘Get you
hence, walk to and fro’’; meaning that they must
busy themselves in the witness work, This was their
signal to go.
Note how the Lord by his angels directs the move-
ments of his people, and that without their knowl-
edge at the time. It was on the 8th day of Septem-
ber, 1922, when a convention of Jehovah’s people had
learned that Christ Jesus is at the temple for judg-
ment and that there was much work for them to do,
that the Lord caused these words to be spoken to the
assembled multitude: ‘‘Do you believe that the Lord
is now in his temple, judging the nations of earth?’’
The multitude shouted: ‘‘Yes!’’ The speaker contin-
ued: ‘‘Do you believe that the King of glory has be-
gun his reign?’’ ‘‘Yes!’’ responded the multitude. The
speaker continued: ‘‘Then back to the field, O ye sons
of the Most High God! ... Herald the message far
and wide. The world must know that Jehovah is God
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