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(Neverificat: Pagină nouă: Jetty 1, 1936 DESOLATION 23 Jehovah uses a striking illustration to show how rompletely the clergy shall be desolated. He com- pares the action of thieves and robbers with what...)
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Jetty 1, 1936  
{{raw:data:ai|3|IULIE 1, 1936|TURNUL DE VEGHERE|201}}
23 Jehovah uses a striking illustration to show how
rompletely the clergy shall be desolated. He com-
pares the action of thieves and robbers with what
shall come to the relicionssts, the hypoeritieal clergy:
“Tf thieves eamc to thee, if robbers by night, (how
art thou eut off!) would they not have stolen till they
had cnoush? if the grapevatherers came to thee, would
they not leave some geapes?’’—Obad. 5,
* To what extent would a thief or robber go?
Thieves hastily eral what they see and go away.
fatherers of grapes leave some for gleancrs. (Deut.
24:21) When Jchovah has caused the refuge of lies
to be uncovered and the duplicity and hypocrisy of
the clergy to appear, then he will leave nothing of that
ezowd, but will elean them out completely. Likewise
in the war that is now in progress Jchovah’'s witnesses
in following and obcying the commandments of the
Lord will spare no one, as Saul spared Agag. They
must not be respeeters of persons, but must be wholly
obedient to the Lord. For many years the religious
priests robbed and oppressed the Russian people, and
when the day of retribution fell upon them there was
an effort made by the relivionists to have some ccele-
siastieal grapes deft in Russia. Call to mind that on Peb-
ruary 2, 1930, ‘Pope’? Ambrose Ratti publicly pro-
tested avainst ‘religious perseeution’’ in Russia, Phat
protest was immediately followed by a dike protest
from the arelitbishops of Canterbury and York, and by
the chief rabbi of London, and by Archbishop Man-
ning of New York, thus showing that the elergy all
work toecther. Of the Ifierarchy and the other clergy
Jebovah will leave nothing, such as robbers and grape
gatherers might leave. By his prophet he says to these
hypocrites: ‘Ifow art thou cut off!”’
2 The name Hsau means ‘rough, perceptible to the
fouch'’, expert to deecive. (Gen, 25:25) The modern
Esau (or Edomites) Jikes to ‘oweer a rough garinent
[that is, a hairy garment (margin) ] to deceive’ others
and to make them think that the wearer is a prophet.
(Zech. 18:4) Esau chose for his habitation a high
eountry, (Gen. 36:8) The modern Esau or Edomites
likewise have chosen the rough, erucl, beastly and
inaeecssibie governments of Satan’s organization for
their abiding plaec. Such high and fortified places
will not save them from the wrath of the Lord: ‘‘Tlow
are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hid-
den things sought up!’’—-Obad. 6,
20 The ancient Edomites became very rich and filled
their homes with loot stolen from the caravans that
traveled between the Euphrates and Iigypt. They col-
lested heavy tribute from those who passed by their
country and who cngaged in commercial traftic. Like-
wise the modern Edomites, and particularly the Ro-
man Catholic Hierarchy, have become exceedingly
rich and have their storchouses full of great riches.
Seeh riches they have obtained by fraud and dcecit
practiced upon the gullible people. On every payday
of the factories and commercial institutions the Hicr-
archy sends the poor, deluded, black-hooded women
about to collcet tribute from the laborers on the pre-
text that it is for a good purpose, while those of the
Ilicrarchy live wantonly upon what they collect. Those
collectors enter the offiees and business houses and
leave with their pockets full. That organization employs
coercion to extract treasure or wealth from the pro-
fessional and businessmen, and threatens them with
loss materially and spiritually unless they contribute
liberally, That would be bad enough; but when we
eall to mind that the Hierarchy institution demands
of the bereaved ones sums of moncy to give their dead
what they term a decent burial, this is a crucl and
wicked way to extraet money from the people, to suy
nothing about the fraud and deecit. The so-ealled
‘Protestant’? clergy, among the wealthy population,
with boasting words say, as one recently said at Pitts-
burgh: ‘‘This is a three-million-dollar church, aud
who would dare place an advertising sign near it ad-
vertising these Jehoval’s witnesses??? But of all the
hy poeritieal, arrogant and scornful religionists Je-
hovah says; ‘low are the things of Mdom searched
out [(Roth., margin) stript bare]!’? In the war
that is now on, the remnant, acting under the com-
mandments of the Lord, scarch out these things of
fraudulent eeclesiasticism and expose them to public
view by telling the truth, both of historical facts and
of the Word of God. Thus the Lord is searching out
and stripping bare the old “owhore’’, and when the
work of his witnesses is done God will completely strip
bare those who have laid up great treasure to satisly
their own greed and selfish desires,
77 Vatiean City holds great treasures that support
the Roman Catholie Hherarehy and sumptuously sup-
ply all the needs of that deceitful and powerful or-
ganization. Throughout all Christendom”? that wiek-
ed institution holds the choicest property and. sites
and there locates iis buildings. In all nations that
hypoeritieal organization maintains its official repre-
sentatives in great luxury, their support coming from
loot that has been extracted from the people by ¢o-
ercion, fraud and deceit. For years they have kept
their great wealth hidden from the commercial powers,
but now the time has come when the trnth shall be
kuown, and of that organization Jehovah says: “Tow
are his hidden treasures sought out!’ (A.R.V.) This
is not man’s judgement nor the declaration of man, but
the announcement of God’s judgment declaing the
day of his vengeance, The time has come for those
who love God to make known these judgments, and
they must do so beeause Cod has commanded it. Both
the Seriptures and the facts show that the time has
come to expose those who, for a long pcrivd. have de-
farmed the name of Jchovah, and henec the Seriptures
declare: ‘‘Therefore judee nothing hefore the time
faud that time is here], until the Lord eame, who...
will bring to Hght the hidden thines of darkness.”

Versiunea de la data 3 iulie 2020 17:21

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IULIE 1, 1936

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